• Python not working Mystic (Win64)

    From fuzion@1337:1/120 to All on Wednesday, July 10, 2024 17:37:07
    Hey all,

    I thought it was about time I fired a msg out to the masses regarding an
    issue we are having with Python. I tried a while back to get things rolling
    but got bored and left it on the back burner.

    So, we are running Mystic under Win x64 and have the Python 3.13 (64bit) pack installed on the server. Under the Mystic General settings, both Python 2 & 3 library fields are pointed to the Python installation on the server.

    When we attempt to execute any progs (InterBBS wall for example), all we
    get is "Cannot initilaize Python". AFAIK, all the required files are
    installed in the correct dirs. I followed the instructions from Meatlotion about the InterBBS wall, so all should be good at that end. (Thanks mate!)

    Does anyone know what the issue is here or suggest anything?


    ... It's all about the subculture, man!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: Retro32 BBS (1337:1/120)
  • From MeaTLoTioN@1337:1/101 to fuzion on Friday, July 12, 2024 10:22:21
    On 10 Jul 2024, fuzion said the following...

    Hey all,

    Howdy! =)

    I thought it was about time I fired a msg out to the masses regarding an issue we are having with Python. I tried a while back to get things rolling but got bored and left it on the back burner.

    Sometimes backburners get all the luck!

    So, we are running Mystic under Win x64 and have the Python 3.13 (64bit) pack installed on the server. Under the Mystic General settings, both Python 2 & 3 library fields are pointed to the Python installation on
    the server.

    When we attempt to execute any progs (InterBBS wall for example), all we get is "Cannot initilaize Python". AFAIK, all the required files are installed in the correct dirs. I followed the instructions from
    Meatlotion about the InterBBS wall, so all should be good at that end. (Thanks mate!)

    Does anyone know what the issue is here or suggest anything?

    If anyone else can correct me that's cool, but I have a feeling A48 had an issue with Python stuff in Windows, I could also be making that up but I feel I've seen this mentioned before.

    I've checked the A49 release notes to confirm (or deny) my imaginings, and I can't see anything in there which would help either way, perhaps the fact there's nothing in there says as much as a thousand words lol

    I'll have a looksee through some notes I have and a scan through some older messages to see if I can find answers but other people in here using Windows may just be able to get an answer quicker.

    Good luck!

    |14Best regards,
    |11Ch|03rist|11ia|15n |11a|03ka |11Me|03aTLoT|11io|15N // @meatlotion:erb.pw

    |07�� |08[|10eml|08] |[email protected] |07�� |08[|10web|08] |15www.erb.pw |07��Ŀ |07�� |08[|09fsx|08] |1521:1/158 |07�� |08[|11tqw|08] |151337:1/101 |07���� |07�� |08[|12rtn|08] |1580:774/81 |07�� |08[|14fdn|08] |152:250/5 |07����
    |07�� |08[|10ark|08] |1510:104/2 |07��

    ... Marriage is one of the chief causes of divorce

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: thE qUAntUm wOrmhOlE, rAmsgAtE, uK. bbs.erb.pw (1337:1/101)
  • From fuzion@1337:1/120 to MeaTLoTioN on Thursday, July 18, 2024 03:33:00
    Hi ML,

    If anyone else can correct me that's cool, but I have a feeling A48 had
    an issue with Python stuff in Windows, I could also be making that up
    but I feel I've seen this mentioned before.

    That's a real bummer if Python doesn't sit nicely with A48 in Winx64. :o/
    It's as if it's totally ignoring the Python installation on the server, even though the settings look fine.

    I haven't really seen any info regarding this issue under Windoze but it would explain a few things.

    I've checked the A49 release notes to confirm (or deny) my imaginings,

    I see (like yourself) a few Sysops are running A49 and I also noticed that
    this version isn't available on the main Mystic site. Is A49 a BETA version
    or full release?


    ... Professional tracker, progressive pattern hacker!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: Retro32 BBS (1337:1/120)
  • From MeaTLoTioN@1337:1/101 to fuzion on Sunday, July 21, 2024 00:31:32
    On 18 Jul 2024, fuzion said the following...

    Hi ML,

    Hey mate =)

    If anyone else can correct me that's cool, but I have a feeling A48 h an issue with Python stuff in Windows, I could also be making that up but I feel I've seen this mentioned before.

    That's a real bummer if Python doesn't sit nicely with A48 in Winx64.
    :o/ It's as if it's totally ignoring the Python installation on the server, even though the settings look fine.

    I haven't really seen any info regarding this issue under Windoze but it would explain a few things.

    Yeah I don't remember precisely but it sits in my memory that it was spoken about a while back and others had the same problem, maybe over in fsxNet perhaps.

    I've checked the A49 release notes to confirm (or deny) my imaginings

    I see (like yourself) a few Sysops are running A49 and I also noticed
    that this version isn't available on the main Mystic site. Is A49 a BETA version or full release?

    A49 is a prealpha release, you can get it from; https://www.mysticbbs.com/downloads/prealpha/

    Hope this helps =)

    |14Best regards,
    |11Ch|03rist|11ia|15n |11a|03ka |11Me|03aTLoT|11io|15N // @meatlotion:erb.pw

    |07�� |08[|10eml|08] |[email protected] |07�� |08[|10web|08] |15www.erb.pw |07��Ŀ |07�� |08[|09fsx|08] |1521:1/158 |07�� |08[|11tqw|08] |151337:1/101 |07���� |07�� |08[|12rtn|08] |1580:774/81 |07�� |08[|14fdn|08] |152:250/5 |07����
    |07�� |08[|10ark|08] |1510:104/2 |07��

    ... There is an exception to every rule, except this one.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: thE qUAntUm wOrmhOlE, rAmsgAtE, uK. bbs.erb.pw (1337:1/101)
  • From fuzion@1337:1/120 to MeaTLoTioN on Wednesday, July 24, 2024 18:36:25
    Hi mate,

    Yeah I don't remember precisely but it sits in my memory that it was spoken about a while back and others had the same problem, maybe over in fsxNet perhaps.

    I had a quick read of the block notes for A49 and it kinda confirms that
    there has been an issue with Python in earlier versions of Mystic x64.

    Thanks for the download link btw. It's funny how the new release is hidden
    on the main site. We'll definitely give the new version a try.

    Have you found any issues with it so far?


    ... Professional tracker, progressive pattern hacker!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: Retro32 BBS (1337:1/120)
  • From MeaTLoTioN@1337:1/101 to fuzion on Wednesday, July 24, 2024 23:38:22
    On 24 Jul 2024, fuzion said the following...

    Hi mate,

    Yeah I don't remember precisely but it sits in my memory that it was spoken about a while back and others had the same problem, maybe over fsxNet perhaps.

    I had a quick read of the block notes for A49 and it kinda confirms that there has been an issue with Python in earlier versions of Mystic x64.

    Thanks for the download link btw. It's funny how the new release is
    hidden on the main site. We'll definitely give the new version a try.

    I think it's hidden in the main site because g00r00 classes A49 as prealpha but

    to be honest, it's probably the most stable version we have seen, at least here

    on Linux imho.

    Have you found any issues with it so far?

    No I don't think I have found any yet. A49 works well.

    |14Best regards,
    |11Ch|03rist|11ia|15n |11a|03ka |11Me|03aTLoT|11io|15N // @meatlotion:erb.pw

    |07�� |08[|10eml|08] |[email protected] |07�� |08[|10web|08] |15www.erb.pw |07��Ŀ |07�� |08[|09fsx|08] |1521:1/158 |07�� |08[|11tqw|08] |151337:1/101 |07���� |07�� |08[|12rtn|08] |1580:774/81 |07�� |08[|14fdn|08] |152:250/5 |07����
    |07�� |08[|10ark|08] |1510:104/2 |07��

    ... There will be a rain dance Friday night, weather permitting!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: thE qUAntUm wOrmhOlE, rAmsgAtE, uK. bbs.erb.pw (1337:1/101)