• Re: Synch/fido

    From Grease@DIGDIST/DARKMATT to Gamgee on Saturday, November 16, 2019 22:37:00
    You can manually edit /sbbs/data/areas.bbs to add that, or it's
    easier to choose "Export Areas" in the Message Group menu within
    SCFG. Choose the "areas.bbs" format and it will write out the
    file properly for you, for all areas.

    I just missed it when I was setting it up. Now, for some reason my user name/password is not working right for Areafix. To get the file areas.

    ... MultiMail, the new multi-platform, multi-format offline reader!
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    � Synchronet � Dark Matter BBS * darkmatt.synchro.net * Howdy from Texas!
  • From Grease@DIGDIST/DARKMATT to Gamgee on Saturday, November 16, 2019 22:37:00
    You can manually edit /sbbs/data/areas.bbs to add that, or it's
    easier to choose "Export Areas" in the Message Group menu within
    SCFG. Choose the "areas.bbs" format and it will write out the
    file properly for you, for all areas.

    I just missed it when I was setting it up. Now, for some reason my user name/password is not working right for Areafix. To get the file areas.

    ... MultiMail, the new multi-platform, multi-format offline reader!
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    � Synchronet � Dark Matter BBS * darkmatt.synchro.net * Howdy from Texas!