• First musical memory

    From nelgin@DIGDIST/EOTLBBS to All on Sunday, November 12, 2023 21:03:00
    Growing up, my parents were never much into music. The only albums they had stuff like Gilbert O'Sullivan, Neil Diamond. I got their hand-me-downs including the Isaac Hayes album Black Moses along with the statement "We don't know which is the performer and which is the record title". I was 10 years old and had no idea either and it never got played.

    Then it happened...listening to a AM radio station I heard this song that opened my eyes. What are those sounds I'm hearing? and the tune..I liked that...Of course, radio stations rarely announce the songs they're playing and with no internet, no Soundhound or Shazam, I couldn't just go look it up.

    As the years passed, the first song that I ever really liked dropped out of my memory until recently. I was playing some random songs on youtube looking for Nigel's Song of the Day (https://www.facebook.com/groups/nigelssongoftheday) candidates and there it was! I recognize the voice, the sounds, even a few of the lyrics came back to me.

    Even 40+ years later, I think the song still holds up and far outclasses a lot of "music" that comes out today.


    I can say, this is the first ever pop song that I remember hearing and liking.

    So, over to my friends. I'm interested to know what your first ever memory of music that has stuck you with you since you first heard it.
    � Synchronet � End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com
  • From Ogg@DIGDIST/EOTLBBS to nelgin on Monday, November 13, 2023 19:58:00
    Hello nelgin!

    ** On Sunday 12.11.23 - 22:03, nelgin wrote to All:

    Then it happened...listening to a AM radio station I heard this song that opened my eyes. What are those sounds I'm hearing? and the tune..I liked..

    Even 40+ years later, I think the song still holds up and far outclasses a lot of "music" that comes out today.


    Yes.. that holds up quite well. Still sounds great as if it
    could be written for today.

    So, over to my friends. I'm interested to know what your first ever memory
    of music that has stuck you with you since you first heard it.

    If your question is "what your first ever memory of music..
    listening to AM radio.. that has stuck?" ..there are several,
    but the earliest one's that I recall experiencing the "wow
    factor" are.. (and they are not necessary in this order, and I
    don't think I was even in school yet.. The Beatles' "She Loves
    You", The Tokens' "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" (aka Wimbowek),
    Petula Clarks' "Downtown".

    Not long after that, I got my first portable AM radio. It went
    through a lot of 9V batteries:


    And a few other radios were part of the journey..

    � Synchronet � End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com
  • From nelgin@DIGDIST/EOTLBBS to Ogg on Monday, November 13, 2023 19:48:00
    Re: Re: First musical memory
    By: Ogg to nelgin on Mon Nov 13 2023 19:58:00

    don't think I was even in school yet.. The Beatles' "She Loves
    You", The Tokens' "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" (aka Wimbowek),
    Petula Clarks' "Downtown".

    All great songs. And all before my time too. Petrula Clark was one Britains most popular female singers of the time. There were some great singers like Lulu, Sandie Shaw, and of course, Dusty.

    Not long after that, I got my first portable AM radio. It went
    through a lot of 9V batteries:


    This was similar to my firt radio. https://img.fruugo.com/product/6/91/718822916_max.jpg

    I would pop the ear phone in late at night and listen to some of the European stations drift in.
    � Synchronet � End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com