• What's the best complete exercise methodology for a 60+

    From Mike Dippel@999:1/1 to All on Wednesday, February 26, 2025 21:00:18
    What's the best complete exercise methodology for a 60+ man in good health?

    Exercise is important for older adults (age 60+) because physical activity makes it easier
    to perform activities of daily living (ADLs), including eating, bathing, toileting, dressing,
    getting in or out of bed or a chair, and moving around. home or neighborhood, according
    to the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Physically active older
    adults are also less likely to fall, which can lead to serious injuries.

    Exercise also improves muscle strength and bone density, which is especially important
    for women because they lose bone density faster than men after menopause.

    Meanwhile, the heart and lung benefits of exercise help promote overall health and
    offset some of the risks of chronic disease and illness.

    Older adults should do at least 2.5 to 5 hours of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per
    week, ideally spread over several days. Moderate-intensity aerobic activities include
    brisk walking, cycling, swimming, dancing and nature walks.

    Here are some of the best aerobic exercises for seniors (60+ man):

    Walking: Walking is one of the best forms of cardio for older adults and can be adjusted
    to match the pace, distance or time that works for the individual. It requires good
    balance but can be effective if one uses a cane or walker.

    Cycling: Whether you use an outdoor bike or a stationary bike, cycling requires the use
    of larger muscles, including the quadriceps and hamstrings, which results in increased
    blood flow and demands on the heart and lungs. As with other forms of cardio, when
    this demand is repeated, the body adapts by increasing its ability to tolerate the added
    load, so the exercise benefits the heart and lungs. Cycling is also a non-impact activity
    that can be beneficial for anyone who needs to reduce ground reaction forces during
    exercise to help with joint or muscle pain or dysfunction.

    Dance: Whether you're doing Zumba, line dancing, or tango, moving your body (including your hips) with non-stop dancing definitely counts as cardio. Dancing not only
    increases your heart rate, but also improves your balance, strengthens more large
    muscle groups, and lifts your mood. Pair it with a partner or group for a social and
    physical workout.

    Nature Walks: Whether along a stream, beach, or mountain, nature walks can challenge
    your body's own proprioception or awareness of self in space. Walking on varied terrain
    can improve strength, agility and balance for safer movement overall. Spending time
    outdoors can also lead to positive psychological effects, such as reduced anxiety and
    improved mood.

    Full story: https://www.quora.com/Whats-the-best-complete-exercise-methodology-for-a-60+- man-in-good-health

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