• What is the healthiest food we can eat?

    From Mike Dippel@999:1/1 to All on Monday, January 20, 2025 23:53:48
    The healthiest food we can eat is actually the healthiest food for society and the planet

    As people today feel like their immune system is under attack and plastic and pharmaceutical pollution has escalated to dizzying heights, an ancient tree with some of
    Mother Nature�s most closely guarded secrets is coming to the rescue.

    When you hear about something called a �Drumstick Tree�, your first impression might
    be to think of a turkey or a rock band. But the Moringa (Oleifera) Tree, a native of the
    ancient Himalayan mountains in Asia, is now being taken seriously by many western
    cultures as one of the most nutrient-rich plants in the world for its amazing benefits
    backed by many years of research.

    In fact, it's more popular name, the �Miracle� or �Never Die� tree, is a testament to its
    amazing effects on its devotees who speak of their �incurable� diseases miraculously

    It is, in fact, the most nutrient-dense part of this plant, the leaf, when artfully ground
    into a fine powder, that is known to give people almost a supernatural ability to recover
    from illness and to come alive to become the best versions of themselves.

    Besides its stratospheric levels of vitamins, minerals, and protein these tiny leaves
    contain, the plant�s high bioavailability is so important to give the body what it is craving
    for vital health.

    I should know, as I experienced its power after I dragged my sick sore body to my first
    Ayurvedic hospital in India where I was introduced to the tiny magical leaves of moringa
    for the first time in a life-changing experience.

    My pilgrimage of so many thousands of miles ultimately bore good fruit as I was able to
    get my body back to homeostasis to be free of dangerous and draining medications.

    But what might moringa do for you?

    Of course this may be hard to say, with every person�s body being different and our own
    ailments and history being a combination of so many environmental and genetic factors.

    The great news, however, is that moringa leaf powder, being so broad spectrum in its
    attributes, really has something for everyone, and for society and the planet too.


    If one wants to improve one�s own health, it�s hard to find a better or more versatile

    With adaptogenic benefits against stress, for skin and hair, immunity, muscle growth,
    fatigue, sleep, digestion, vision, energy, heart, bones and joints, and blood sugar, it is no
    wonder it has been long known to cure over 300 diseases.

    Why the Healing Power?

    Moringa�s miraculous potency is because of its superconcentration of the best vitamins,
    minerals, and amino acids.

    Just one cup of fresh, chopped leaves not only has all the essential amino acids, but also

    Protein: 2 grams
    Vitamin B6: 19% of the RDA
    Vitamin C: 12% of the RDA
    Iron: 11% of the RDA
    Riboflavin (B2): 11% of the RDA
    Vitamin A (from beta-carotene): 9% of the RDA
    Magnesium: 8% of the RDA
    In fact, gram for gram, it has

    14x more calcium than milk
    4x more potassium than bananas
    9x more iron than spinach
    2x more protein than yogurt
    2x more vitamin A than carrots
    4x more fiber than oats
    One can go on and on about its vitamin E, copper, zinc, and chlorophyll content too.

    But best of all one doesn�t have to worry about a big problem with other greens,

    While other greens like spinach have soluble oxalates that can cause kidney and other
    issues, even to a life-threatening degree, moringa�s oxalates are insoluble, so that pass
    right out of your body, not causing the damage possible with other greens.


    As you may know, its hard to have too many antioxidants, as there are so many free
    radicals in our environment and body that can wreak havoc on our health.

    This is why it�s great to know that moringa also has one among the very best antioxidant
    values of any food. With an ORAC worth of 157,000, it�s 6x the antioxidants of goji
    berries, a true powerhouse of protection.

    Antioxidants are essential for preserving, repairing and preventing cell harm as well as
    minimizing aging of the skin since they assist by counteracting oxidative stress and the
    effects of free radicals, the unstable molecules that harm collagen, causing skin dryness,
    fine lines, wrinkles and premature aging.

    And are absolutely essential to keep beautiful, supple skin.


    Moringa is becoming increasingly available on the market around the world as people
    discover its various health benefits. In fact, some doctors are actually afraid to talk
    about moringa with their patients as they are afraid to lose their customers to their new
    healthy lives!

    Though the mystique around moringa has become that great, it is also important to
    remember that not all of it is created equal. These amazing plants are grown in
    developing countries where infrastructure and harvesting practices may be inadequate.

    Harvested moringa leaves are sometimes washed with impure water which can contain
    bacteria and other harmful microbes.

    This is why it is highly recommended to go with a brand that uses only certified organic
    moringa to make sure the powder was produced with a high standard of quality and is
    free from any dangerous substances. It is also a good sign that the powder has the most
    potent concentration of nutrients.


    A lot of people are worried about what moringa will actually taste like. If you are used to
    McDonald�s fries and shakes and other junk food, moringa actually may not be the best
    place to start.

    By itself, moringa has a green, earthy taste � like a cross between spinach and
    asparagus. Some do have it with a bit of water or juice, but if you aren�t crazy about the
    taste, you can also mix it easily in your food or drinks for a nutritious boost.

    What About the Planet?

    The moringa tree, or moringa oleifera, does not just produce what is arguably the most
    healing nutrition of any plant. It does much more, and does so sustainably and quickly,
    with this entirely edible plant growing as much as 7 meters in one year.

    This tree also has the ability to multiply its benefits, producing 400-600 edible pods
    annually within 3 years of its initial planting. These edible pods have 20 seeds each,
    which not only can be eaten, but can also produce new trees so that a mature moringa
    tree can be the source of 10s of thousands of new trees within a handful of years.

    The Miracle Tree Transforming Societies

    Due to its nutritional benefits, people are encouraged to use moringa to curb hunger and
    malnutrition, especially in regions where crops typically struggle due to periods of
    dryness and drought.

    These places are also ideal for moringa. While other crops may fail, moringa can still
    thrive, even with little water and poor soil.

    Indeed, while those such as pregnant mothers are typically hardest hit by famine (the
    result of lack of water and poor soil), moringa has been a godsend for mothers to
    augment breast milk production needed so badly by preterm infants.

    Taking advantage of moringa extracts is not limited to people living in disadvantaged
    regions. It is a medicinal plant that benefits people in all corners of the planet.

    Water Purifier

    If you care about the health and sustainability of the planet, you�ll be happy to know
    moringa is making a difference where poor infrastructure has challenged the future of
    various societies.

    This starts with the plant�s ability � through its seeds � to purify water.

    The seeds have flocculating and coagulating properties that make organic matter
    present in water to form sediments and settle at the bottom of the filter. After
    sedimentation, the water can be purified, further making it suitable for human and
    animal consumption.

    The seed pods of the tree are also used to remove organic pollutants and pesticides from
    contaminated wastewater.

    These important facts are important to disseminate as civilization is at a crossroads
    during the current crisis.

    In addition to its medicine growth factors, the plant has meant a blossoming of
    subsistence economies with its ability to produce animal feed, dyes, and tannins (for
    commercial and industrial use), and even natural pesticides (think about keeping away
    those terrible locusts in Africa!).

    In addition, to help preserve food in times of plenty, moringa leaf extract may also be
    used as a food preservative. It increases the shelf life of meat by reducing oxidation.

    Consider This:

    Over a billion people lack clean drinking water access: more than 1 of every 10 people
    on the planet. Women and girls spend an estimated 200 million hours carrying water
    every day. The average woman in rural Africa walks almost 5 miles each day to haul 40
    pounds of water.

    But fresh water is an essential ingredient for all human life.

    And now over 2.7 billion experience water scarcity at least one month a year. By 2025,
    two-thirds of the world's population may be facing water shortages based on current

    We need the sustainability and versatility of moringa as a water purifier more than ever,
    if we truly care about developing societies.

    Moringa Tree Reforestation

    The great news is that moringa grows fast and can reach almost 10 feet within the first
    year, and up to 30 feet when it's fully mature.

    People living in areas without enough tree cover are encouraged to plant this miracle
    tree to promote reforestation. Planting Moringa trees can benefit the soil, making it
    healthier for farming in the future.

    Many regions of the world are experiencing deforestation, including South America
    (Brazil), Southeast Asia (Indonesia), Eastern Europe, and Central Africa (Congo). These
    areas can significantly benefit from planting Moringa trees to increase their food security,
    income, and replenish the nutrients lost in the soil.

    Imagine spreading this secret knowledge to combat the destruction of our forests and
    our dwindling oxygen supply.

    How to add Moringa to Your Diet

    Besides eating from the tree itself, there are many moringa products available in health
    food stores that you can incorporate in your diet.

    You will mostly find Moringa in powder form, although there are other products like tea,
    wellness shots, and energy bars. You can add the powder to soups, salads, drinks, and

    You can also roast the seeds or cook them with the leaves, or mix the seeds with other
    cereals to increase the nutrient value of your meal. Besides, Moringa oil is one of the
    best cooking oil in the market.

    The Bottom Line: the Healthiest Food We Can Eat

    Moringa is a high nutrient plant that has arguably more benefits than many other plants.
    But it�s not just nutrition for you.

    It solves so many of the planet's greatest crises: It provides for the health of the planet
    and society too.

    Often described as the new kale, it's rich in essential minerals, vitamins, phytochemicals, and highly-digestible proteins. Unlike leafy greens like spin, almost all
    the parts of this plant can be used for different purposes, can purify water, and grows
    where most vegetables simply can�t.

    Moringa, unlike other greens, is low in soluble oxalates, so one can quickly restore one's
    body with maximum nutrition, as one takes advantage of the body's built-in immune
    system and ability to heal.

    Finally, compared to other superfoods, moringa is very affordable. You are really missing
    out if you aren't making it part of your diet.

    Would you like to learn more about moringa or even see if it's right to incorporate into
    your own diet?

    There�s also all sorts of other uses in this free e-book with all sorts of moringa research,
    hacks, and recipes, so you can enjoy your moringa in everything from salad, yogurt, to
    chocolate to muffins. You can even have it in your cocoa!

    Remember to support sustainable agriculture and give your body what it needs to
    express its full vitality and function. We need a lot of healthy people who care about the
    health of the planet to combat the misinformation spread by the pharmaceutical industry, who don�t always have our health as top priority.

    So make it a moringa day. Civilization depends on it and we need your amazing health
    to make a difference today and for our future.

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