• Re: Cholesterol Medications

    From The Godfather@999:1/9 to Mickey on Saturday, November 23, 2024 21:48:42
    Many people i know are on cholesterol medication (Daily), as I am. Personally, I've been taking Statins nightly for 9 years now. I often
    skip this med because of things I've heard over the years. They are effective and folks, female and male (or whatever) are on different
    doses depending on their levels. My personal cholesterol levels are
    good, but sometimes the threat of early dementia etc etc scares me.

    A few years ago I made a major lifestyle change in diet and health. With all of the foods containing bioengineered ingredients and it becomming more complicated to pronounce the lengthy list of ingredients within food from the grocery store, I started eating more "inconvenient." My family and quit purchasing most everything from grocery stores: milk, eggs, beef, vegetables (we grow,) flour/wheat berries, etc. are all purchased from local ranchers, farms, or we have them mailed to us. It's more inconvenient, not more expensive, for sure.

    I had been on a statin and it didn't seem to matter the brand, my muscles would ache and my joints would hurt. I had been eating very healthy for over 3 years, my Cholesteral numbers were always well below the "normal" mark in the "good." I decided to stop taking them all together.

    My doctor retired, whom was all for me doing this, along with my high blood pressure medication I had been taking, as my numbers were all above par. My new doctor talked down to me as if I were an idiot for getting off these two mediations and asking for a heart attack. He insisted the numbers would prove it. They did, my lifestyle choices proved him wrong, and to a large degree surprised me, they were as good off of the statins as they were on. This was 9 months off the medications. My blood pressure is consistently the same, and normal now too.

    I read somewhere to look at the inception of cholesterol medication and teh beginning of measuring it within the labs, and look at what the doctors considered normal; then compare it to today. The numbers keep going down, meaning, more mediations needed to reduce peoples cholesterol.

    I also read somewhere that our brains contain high levels of cholesterol and that the statins are the leading cause of dementia.

    I don't know all of the facts, nor am I a doctor. What I can say is that I did not come off of any medication without a doctors assistance, and I did not do so without making a strong commitment to changing whatever was causing the need for it to begin with. For me it was the food I consumed, and from where. For others it may be entirely different.

    Just my thoughts .. Now I need to find a doctor who is willing to do more than just prescribe medications but whom also cares enough to try to reduce how many a person takes; without it being $200 per month membership fee.


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  • From Mickey@999:11/1 to The Godfather on Sunday, November 24, 2024 09:10:38
    On 23 Nov 2024, The Godfather exclaimed the following...

    are the leading cause of dementia.

    Just my thoughts .. Now I need to find a doctor who is willing to do
    more than just prescribe medications but whom also cares enough to try
    to reduce how many a person takes; without it being $200 per month membership fee.

    Good luck with this. Old age is not for the weak. I get my cholesterol issues from my father and his father. Sometimes I get tired of replacing words I can't remember with 'whatsit' and 'remember that group in the 60's we were talking about last month'? You're right about stopping meds though.

    Mick Manning
    @ Mick's Place

    ... Some people have no idea what they're doing, and are really good at it!

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