My mother's side of the family generally lived well into their 90's. My Dad's side was
more like late 60's. 2 of my dad's siblings suffered from diabetes, were heavy smokers
and had a mild addiction to drinking.
When my dad died at age 68, I told my older brother that this was a good look at our
family history. I told him that the amount of alcohol my brother consumed daily and the
amount of cigarettes he smoked would kill him someday. (My dad was a chain smoker
and heavy drinker and died from cancer.) My brother died at age 55 and had cancer in
literally every orifice of his body.
I believe that at age 75, I am the oldest of any of my ancestors on my dad's side of the
family, so I guess I favor my mother's side.
I take health very seriously, and I am pleased that those of you who subscribe to the
health network must as well.
Mike Dippel
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