• #MARCHintosh!

    From Retroswim@21:2/121 to All on Monday, March 10, 2025 21:08:58
    It's March, so it's time for #MARCHintosh!

    A whole month to celebrate all things classic Mac (and Apple ][ as well!)

    Same as last year, there's a dozens-strong contengent of classic Mac fans running #GlobalTalk, a worldwide network of AppleTalk connected Macs and printers, connected via UDP using the rather obscure Apple Internet Router.

    Interested? Come over to https://marchintosh.com/globaltalk.html or search
    for #GlobalTalk on Mastodon!

    But even separate to that, just get on your favourite BBS, otherNet, social network, forum, IRC channel, or local rooftop, and share the cool things
    you're doing with your classic Mac this month!

    First stop might be the Crow's Nest BBS, set up by ByteKnight of Captain's Quarters! A 6-node Hermes II board, running on a Mac IIci (I think?) full of goodies for your classic Mac shenanigans!

    Telnet: crowsnestbbs.ddns.net:6801-6806

    Keen to see what y'all are up to!
    --- Ezycom V2.00
    * Origin: >> Pool's Open - An Ezycom BBS 21:2/121 80:774/32 (21:2/121)
  • From hollowone@21:2/150 to Retroswim on Monday, March 10, 2025 10:21:18

    I really like this idea of DOScember and Marchintosh.. All I wonder is how to address other months well ;)

    Amigust to celebrate Amiga in August?
    Playstaturary to celebrate Playstation in February and January?
    Ataromber in October and November?


    ... Xerox Alto was the thing. Anything after we use is just a mere copy.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2024/05/29 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbS>>20ForBeers.com:1337 (21:2/150)
  • From Utopian Galt@21:4/108 to Hollowone on Monday, March 10, 2025 19:56:09
    BY: hollowone (21:2/150)

    |11h|09> |10Ataromber in October and November? |07
    |11h|09> |07
    OS/2 Day on 10/2?

    --- WWIV 5.9.03748[Windows]
    * Origin: inland utopia * california * iutopia.duckdns.org:2023 (21:4/108)
  • From paulie420@21:2/150 to Retroswim on Monday, March 10, 2025 20:02:55
    It's March, so it's time for #MARCHintosh!

    First stop might be the Crow's Nest BBS, set up by ByteKnight of
    Captain's Quarters! A 6-node Hermes II board, running on a Mac IIci (I think?) full of goodies for your classic Mac shenanigans!

    Telnet: crowsnestbbs.ddns.net:6801-6806

    I love this project and jump on every March - very cool that BK takes the time to stand up Macintosh hardware, and current retro computing solutions to allow multiple callers connect using their wifi modems, or actual hardware - I cheat and connect via TELNET, but still - its nice to feel the slow speeds and real hardware. :P

    #Marchintosh - always a fun time... I only have Apple retro computers - I think I need to be on the lookout for a Mac soon. I think the IIgs... wait; is that a Mac??? No, right? Anyway - I really wanna get into a IIgs. But first I need to order a FujiNet for the Apple IIe. :P


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2024/05/29 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbS>>20ForBeers.com:1337 (21:2/150)
  • From Nightfox@21:1/137 to hollowone on Monday, March 10, 2025 14:23:16
    Re: Re: #MARCHintosh!
    By: hollowone to Retroswim on Mon Mar 10 2025 10:21 am

    Amigust to celebrate Amiga in August?
    Playstaturary to celebrate Playstation in February and January?
    Ataromber in October and November?

    DOSCember is already taken, but at first I thought Nintendecember for Nintendo in December.
    Segtember for Sega in September.
    For January, maybe PC Enganuary for PC Engine (AKA TurboGrafX-16 in the US).

    --- SBBSecho 3.23-Linux
    * Origin: Digital Distortion: digdist.synchro.net (21:1/137)