This change worked fine for me on Linux, but is causing a recycle loop for the Services now that I have put the new EXEs in place on Windows. The loop eventually stops on its own, sometimes after as few as 3 recycles, but sometimes as many as 19 recycles.
After comparing my Linux to Windows setup I saw the Publish QOS was different between the two, with 0 At most once on Linux and 1 At least once on Windows. Swapping values so Windows is 0 and Linux is 1 confirms that this setting is involved in the problem (Windows stops recycle looping, Linux starts recycle looping, and on Linux all servers are affected not just Services).
I guess the issue is that with "1 At least once" set as the Publish QOS, sometimes the mqtt_pub_noval() call on [line 485]( is then being received by the subscription setup on [line 487](, and the system sees that as a request to recycle.
I assume line 485 is meant to be a notification telling clients "this server has recycled"? And in that case, maybe the key should be renamed from "recycle" to "recycled" so then it doesn't get captured by the subscription as an instruction to recycle?
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