• WxCenter - Weather Viewer

    From Codefenix@VERT/CONCHAOS to All on Saturday, June 24, 2023 16:06:00
    WxCenter is a weather forecast viewer I've been working on on-and-off for the last couple years. I finally feel like it's worthy of being shared with other Syncronet sysops, so here it is:


    It makes use of several APIs to display forecast info for any location the user specifies, based on either text input or IP address, and presents the results in a customizable ANSI layout.

    It can also optionally display SIXEL weather maps in SyncTerm or other compatible SIXEL-capable terminals like MagiTerm.

    In addition to WxCenter, I also have available my RSS News reader, SixelGallery, and a Top Fives bulletin generator.




    ...Most legends have their basis in facts. Kirk, stardate 5029.5.
    � Synchronet � -=[ ConstructiveChaos BBS | conchaos.synchro.net ]=-
  • From KenDB3@VERT/KD3NET to Codefenix on Wednesday, July 19, 2023 02:21:00
    WxCenter is a weather forecast viewer I've been working on on-and-off for the last couple years. I finally feel like it's worthy of being shared with other Syncronet sysops, so here it is:


    It makes use of several APIs to display forecast info for any location the user specifies, based on either text input or IP address, and presents the results in a customizable ANSI layout.

    It can also optionally display SIXEL weather maps in SyncTerm or other compatible SIXEL-capable terminals like MagiTerm.

    In addition to WxCenter, I also have available my RSS News reader, SixelGallery, and a Top Fives bulletin generator.




    ...Most legends have their basis in facts. Kirk, stardate 5029.5.
    � Synchronet � -=[ ConstructiveChaos BBS | conchaos.synchro.net ]=-

    This looks absolutely incredible! Great work!

    ~Kenny DiBattista

    � Synchronet � KD3net-Rhode Island's only BBS about nothing. http://bbs.kd3.us