On Sat, 29 Jun 2024 16:27:57 -0400
"Amessyroom" (VERT/TL-QWK) <VERT/TL-QWK!
[email protected]>
I watched one of digital man YouTube videos on writing javascript.
I'll search for more but are there othere references and examples?
I'll review object model he discusses in tutorial.
� Synchronet � Too Lazy BBS - Sit back and read and playgames - toolazy.ddns.net:2323 or SSH
The best thing to do is poke around with some of the scripts in
/sbbs/exec and /sbbs/xtrn and see how they work. Maybe try to find a
simple task to do and see if you can achieve it, like listing all your
messages or maybe recreate a gress the number type game.
End Of The Line BBS - Plano, TX
telnet endofthelinebbs.com 23
� Synchronet � End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com