• Interfacing with message bases from Ios or Android

    From Khronos@VERT/CWSHACK to All on Friday, January 05, 2024 10:51:15
    Are there any clients on either Ios or Android I can use to interface with my system?
    From what I know so far some sort of qwk client might be best as I can interact with all networks on my system in a transparent way with out having to create point nodes for each of my ftn connections.
    Thanks for any advice you can provide.

    � Synchronet � Cw Shack Bbs telnet kf4yey.com 2330
  • From kyonshi@VERT to alt.bbs.synchronet on Friday, January 05, 2024 17:26:59
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.synchronet

    On 1/5/2024 4:51 PM, Khronos wrote:
    Are there any clients on either Ios or Android I can use to interface with my system?
    From what I know so far some sort of qwk client might be best as I can interact with all networks on my system in a transparent way with out having to create point nodes for each of my ftn connections.
    Thanks for any advice you can provide.

    � Synchronet � Cw Shack Bbs telnet kf4yey.com 2330
    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114
    * Vertrauen - Riverside County, California - telnet://vert.synchro.net

    Hey, I might be talking out of my behind here, but I think you should be
    able to access your message bases via the nntp server, so via a normal newsgroup/usenet reader. (I have one for android called PhoNews which
    more or less works)
    Of course I am just trying to actually set this whole thing up on my own
    BBS, and right now I am struggling with actually accessing the NNTP
    server from outside. But oh well...
    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114
    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From kyonshi@VERT to alt.bbs.synchronet on Friday, January 05, 2024 17:32:47
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.synchronet

    On 1/5/2024 5:26 PM, kyonshi wrote:

    Of course I am just trying to actually set this whole thing up on my own BBS, and right now I am struggling with actually accessing the NNTP
    server from outside. But oh well...

    which actually brings me to another question: why would my access to the
    nntp service get refused. I have port 119 open, but I am receiving a
    message that the service is being refused. I both tried over my dyndns
    address (erebor.synchro.net) and directly via IP and got the message in
    both cases.
    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114
    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Khronos@VERT/CWSHACK to kyonshi on Friday, January 05, 2024 12:17:46
    Re: Re: Interfacing with message bases from Ios or Android
    By: kyonshi to alt.bbs.synchronet on Fri Jan 05 2024 17:26:59

    Lets say I setup the nntp client on my phone.
    What from / reply address do I set in my client as I wouldn't want reply messages in e-mail, I'd like them to go back into the message base on my board.

    � Synchronet � Cw Shack Bbs telnet kf4yey.com 2330
  • From DaiTengu@VERT/ENSEMBLE to Khronos on Friday, January 05, 2024 12:29:02
    Re: Interfacing with message bases from Ios or Android
    By: Khronos to All on Fri Jan 05 2024 10:51 am

    Are there any clients on either Ios or Android I can use to interface with my system? From what I know so far some sort of qwk client might be best as I can interact with all networks on my system in a transparent way with out having to create point nodes for each of my ftn connections.
    Thanks for any advice you can provide.

    I use Aftershock on Android. It functions as a point node for FTN, so it can be a little convoluted to set up. You could gate DoveNet into it using zone 723, But I really just use it for fidonet.

    There's also HotDogEd, but it hasn't been updated in quite a long time, and I can't get it to work on any version of Android released in the past few years.

    Beyond that, maybe see if there's an NNTP/usenet reader? That should interface with Synchronet quite nicely.


    ...Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

    � Synchronet � War Ensemble BBS - The sport is war, total war - warensemble.com
  • From Khronos@VERT/CWSHACK to DaiTengu on Friday, January 05, 2024 13:56:31
    Re: Interfacing with message bases from Ios or Android
    By: DaiTengu to Khronos on Fri Jan 05 2024 12:29:02

    Lets say I created a point for my fidonet node.
    If my client is connecting from anywhere in the world how do I route areafix requests back to it with out an ip or hostname to send the NetMail towards?
    Also how do I send the echo list to this node?


    � Synchronet � Cw Shack Bbs telnet kf4yey.com:2330 (1:135/205)
  • From Digital Man@VERT to Khronos on Friday, January 05, 2024 14:52:05
    Re: Interfacing with message bases from Ios or Android
    By: Khronos to All on Fri Jan 05 2024 10:51 am

    Are there any clients on either Ios or Android I can use to interface with my system?

    The Synchronet web server and ecWeb work great with the browsers for those devices.

    If you want a terminal experience, there's these: https://wiki.synchro.net/resource:term#mobile

    From what I know so far some sort of qwk client might be best as I can interact with all networks on my system in a transparent way with out having to create point nodes for each of my ftn connections.
    Thanks for any advice you can provide.

    A mobile QWK client would be nice.
    digital man (rob)

    Sling Blade quote #16:
    Karl Childers (to Doyle, re: lawn mower blade): I aim to kill you with it. Mmm. Norco, CA WX: 63.2�F, 35.0% humidity, 7 mph WNW wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs ---
    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Digital Man@VERT to kyonshi on Friday, January 05, 2024 15:03:30
    Re: IP issue (Re: Interfacing with message bases from Ios or Android)
    By: kyonshi to alt.bbs.synchronet on Fri Jan 05 2024 05:32 pm

    which actually brings me to another question: why would my access to the nntp service get refused. I have port 119 open, but I am receiving a
    message that the service is being refused. I both tried over my dyndns address (erebor.synchro.net) and directly via IP and got the message in
    both cases.

    For all the normal reasons (firewall, port forwarding, service isn't actually running/listening, wrong port number, etc.).

    Start by trying to connect using netcat or similar tool running on the same system that sbbs is running on.

    $ nc localhost 119
    200 Vertrauen News (Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NNTP Service 1.134)

    Once that works, move on to using the public IP address, public hostname, etc. --
    digital man (rob)

    Synchronet/BBS Terminology Definition #61:
    Phreak = Telephone system hack[er]
    Norco, CA WX: 62.9�F, 35.0% humidity, 2 mph W wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs
    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Digital Man@VERT to Khronos on Friday, January 05, 2024 15:04:36
    Re: Re: Interfacing with message bases from Ios or Android
    By: Khronos to kyonshi on Fri Jan 05 2024 12:17 pm

    Re: Re: Interfacing with message bases from Ios or Android
    By: kyonshi to alt.bbs.synchronet on Fri Jan 05 2024 17:26:59

    Lets say I setup the nntp client on my phone.
    What from / reply address do I set in my client as I wouldn't want reply messages in e-mail, I'd like them to go back into the message base on my board.

    That's determine by person/client that's doing the replying (not the address you use). You can make the "From / reply address" whatever you like.
    digital man (rob)

    Synchronet/BBS Terminology Definition #68:
    SCFG = Synchronet Configuration Utility
    Norco, CA WX: 62.9�F, 35.0% humidity, 2 mph W wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs
    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From DaiTengu@VERT/ENSEMBLE to Khronos on Saturday, January 06, 2024 00:50:32
    Re: Interfacing with message bases from Ios or Android
    By: Khronos to DaiTengu on Fri Jan 05 2024 01:56 pm

    Lets say I created a point for my fidonet node.
    If my client is connecting from anywhere in the world how do I route areafix requests back to it with out an ip or hostname to
    send the NetMail towards?
    Also how do I send the echo list to this node?

    You don't. You set your boss to hold, and you poll for your mail from the app, like people did in the olden days.

    You can either just enable your echo areas from your bossnode for your point, or you can send an areafix request via the app. Aftershock just imports whatever it receives, you don't need to set up an echo list.

    HotDogEd required an echolist, which you could toss on a webserver somewhere.


    ...Remind me never to put off until tomorrow the things I've already put off

    � Synchronet � War Ensemble BBS - The sport is war, total war - warensemble.com
  • From Dumas Walker@VERT/CAPCITY2 to KHRONOS on Saturday, January 06, 2024 10:26:00
    Lets say I created a point for my fidonet node.
    If my client is connecting from anywhere in the world how do I route areafix r
    uests back to it with out an ip or hostname to send the NetMail towards?
    Also how do I send the echo list to this node?

    In this case you wouldn't. It would be up to the point system sysop to
    poll you. That it how it works with most points... the boss/hub does not
    poll them.

    * SLMR 2.1a * No Purchase Required. Details in package.

    � Synchronet � CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Khronos@VERT/CWSHACK to DaiTengu on Saturday, January 06, 2024 10:05:42
    Re: Interfacing with message bases from Ios or Android
    By: DaiTengu to Khronos on Sat Jan 06 2024 00:50:32

    Re: Interfacing with message bases from Ios or Android
    By: Khronos to DaiTengu on Fri Jan 05 2024 01:56 pm

    Lets say I created a point for my fidonet node.
    If my client is connecting from anywhere in the world how do I route areafix requests back to it with out an ip or hostname to
    send the NetMail towards?
    Also how do I send the echo list to this node?

    You don't. You set your boss to hold, and you poll for your mail from the app, like people did in the olden days.

    I created a linked node on my bbs for the point and in the wizard onder binkp settings I left the hostname blank.
    When ever I send my point a mail message the system still does a dns lookup. p1.f205.n135.z1.binkp.net
    can not be found.

    My setup looks like this:

    Name =
    Comment =
    Archive = None
    PacketType = 2+
    PacketPwd =
    AreaFix = true
    AreaFixPwd = password
    SessionPwd = password
    TicFilePwd =
    Inbox =
    Outbox =
    Passive = false
    Direct = false
    Notify = false
    Keys =
    Status = Hold
    GroupHub =
    BinkpHost =
    BinkpPort = 24554
    BinkpPoll = false
    BinkpPlainAuthOnly = false
    BinkpAllowPlainAuth = false
    BinkpAllowPlainText = true
    BinkpTLS = false
    BinkpSourceAddress =

    You can either just enable your echo areas from your bossnode for your point, or you can send an areafix request via the app. Aftershock just imports whatever it receives, you don't need to set up an echo list.

    If I subscribe to all areas on my bbs this might include all fidonet areas along with fsxnet areas as well so is there a way I can limit this subscription process to fidonet areas only?


    � Synchronet � Cw Shack Bbs telnet kf4yey.com:2330 (1:135/205)
  • From Carlos Navarro@VERT to DaiTengu on Sunday, January 07, 2024 13:41:57
    Hello, DaiTengu.
    On 6/1/24 0:50 you wrote:

    HotDogEd required an echolist, which you could toss on a webserver somewhere.

    Though convenient, it is not required. You can type the echo names, one per line, and HotdogEd will create a netmail to Areafix.

    --- Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android
    * Origin: cyberiada (2:341/234.12)
    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Digital Man@VERT to Khronos on Sunday, January 07, 2024 15:25:47
    Re: Interfacing with message bases from Ios or Android
    By: Khronos to DaiTengu on Sat Jan 06 2024 10:05 am

    Re: Interfacing with message bases from Ios or Android
    By: DaiTengu to Khronos on Sat Jan 06 2024 00:50:32

    Re: Interfacing with message bases from Ios or Android
    By: Khronos to DaiTengu on Fri Jan 05 2024 01:56 pm

    Lets say I created a point for my fidonet node.
    If my client is connecting from anywhere in the world how do I route areafix requests back to it with out an ip or hostname to
    send the NetMail towards?
    Also how do I send the echo list to this node?

    You don't. You set your boss to hold, and you poll for your mail from the app, like people did in the olden days.

    I created a linked node on my bbs for the point and in the wizard onder binkp settings I left the hostname blank.
    When ever I send my point a mail message the system still does a dns lookup. p1.f205.n135.z1.binkp.net
    can not be found.

    My setup looks like this:


    That's a 5D address which looks different to BinkIt than the 4D address 1:135/205.1. Try removing the @fidonet (domain) from the linked node and see if you see different behavior.

    You can either just enable your echo areas from your bossnode for your point, or you can send an areafix request via the app. Aftershock just imports whatever it receives, you don't need to set up an echo list.

    If I subscribe to all areas on my bbs this might include all fidonet areas along with fsxnet areas as well so is there a way I can limit this subscription process to fidonet areas only?

    The hub/boss node can control what echoes a linked node (or point) can have access to through AreaFix/EchoList Keys
    digital man (rob)

    Rush quote #38:
    See how it sings like a sad heart, then joyously screams out its pain
    Norco, CA WX: 57.0�F, 24.0% humidity, 3 mph WNW wind, 0.03 inches rain/24hrs ---
    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Khronos@VERT/CWSHACK to Digital Man on Sunday, January 07, 2024 21:28:51
    Re: Interfacing with message bases from Ios or Android
    By: Digital Man to Khronos on Sun Jan 07 2024 15:25:47

    I created a linked node on my bbs for the point and in the wizard onder binkp settings I left the hostname blank.
    When ever I send my point a mail message the system still does a dns lookup. p1.f205.n135.z1.binkp.net
    can not be found.

    My setup looks like this:


    I changed my setup to chop off the @fidonet and dns lookups are still occuring when sending outbound mail to find the node.

    You can either just enable your echo areas from your bossnode for your point, or you can send an areafix request via the app. Aftershock just imports whatever it receives, you don't need to set up an echo list.

    I should be able to get this to work after I can send to user@1:135/205.1 with out any errors.

    � Synchronet � Cw Shack Bbs telnet kf4yey.com:2330 (1:135/205)
  • From Digital Man@VERT to Khronos on Sunday, January 07, 2024 18:46:10
    Re: Interfacing with message bases from Ios or Android
    By: Khronos to Digital Man on Sun Jan 07 2024 09:28 pm

    Re: Interfacing with message bases from Ios or Android
    By: Digital Man to Khronos on Sun Jan 07 2024 15:25:47

    I created a linked node on my bbs for the point and in the wizard onder binkp settings I left the hostname blank.
    When ever I send my point a mail message the system still does a dns lookup. p1.f205.n135.z1.binkp.net
    can not be found.

    My setup looks like this:


    I changed my setup to chop off the @fidonet and dns lookups are still occuring when sending outbound mail to find the node.

    If you have the BinkpHost value set for a linked node, BinkIT doesn't try to lookup the address via DNS. So for some reason, BinkIT thinks you're sending to an unlinked node for which it doesn't have the address (hostname or IP addres) set in sbbsecho.ini, so it must find it using DNS.
    digital man (rob)

    Rush quote #44:
    The shifting shafts of shining weave the fabric of their dreams
    Norco, CA WX: 48.7�F, 30.0% humidity, 2 mph W wind, 0.03 inches rain/24hrs
    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From DaiTengu@VERT/ENSEMBLE to Khronos on Monday, January 08, 2024 08:46:36
    Re: Interfacing with message bases from Ios or Android
    By: Khronos to DaiTengu on Sat Jan 06 2024 10:05 am

    I created a linked node on my bbs for the point and in the wizard onder binkp settings I left the hostname blank. When ever I send my point a mail message the system still does a dns lookup. p1.f205.n135.z1.binkp.net
    can not be found.

    You're trying to send mail to your point. That's not how this works. The point needs to fetch mail from your BBS. It will connect to your BinkIT server, much like you "dial in" to your BBS.

    If I subscribe to all areas on my bbs this might include all fidonet areas along with fsxnet areas as well so is there a way I can limit this subscription process to fidonet areas only?

    SBBSEcho should only export areas that are part of your zone/domain for the point. In order to get fsxnet messages, you'd need to add an fsxnet address to your point as well

    At least, I think that's how it works. I never thought about it too much.

    The message areas and their uplinks/downlinks should be in whatever your "AreaFile" is. (most likely <SBBS>/data/areas.bbs)


    ...A self-starting oscillator won't.

    � Synchronet � War Ensemble BBS - The sport is war, total war - warensemble.com
  • From DaiTengu@VERT/ENSEMBLE to Carlos Navarro on Monday, January 08, 2024 08:48:27
    Re: Interfacing with message bases from Ios or Android
    By: Carlos Navarro to DaiTengu on Sun Jan 07 2024 01:41 pm

    HotDogEd required an echolist, which you could toss on a webserver

    Though convenient, it is not required. You can type the echo names, one per line, and HotdogEd will create a netmail to Areafix.

    Maybe that was just me. It's been quite a while since I had to set up HotDogEd, since it hasn't worked on any phone I've owned in the past 2-3 years.


    ...It is not enough to succeed. Others must fail.

    � Synchronet � War Ensemble BBS - The sport is war, total war - warensemble.com
  • From Khronos@VERT/CWSHACK to Digital Man on Monday, January 08, 2024 13:03:43
    Re: Interfacing with message bases from Ios or Android
    By: Digital Man to Khronos on Sun Jan 07 2024 18:46:10

    My issue here is that my node I am connecting doesn't have a static ip or hostname.
    This is an Android phone that will connect from multiple location so the ip address will be unknown.
    If I remove the BinkpHost and BinkpPort key words would this stop the dns lookups?


    � Synchronet � Cw Shack Bbs telnet kf4yey.com:2330 (1:135/205)
  • From DaiTengu@VERT/ENSEMBLE to Khronos on Monday, January 08, 2024 13:01:01
    Re: Interfacing with message bases from Ios or Android
    By: Khronos to Digital Man on Mon Jan 08 2024 01:03 pm

    My issue here is that my node I am connecting doesn't have a static ip or hostname. This is an Android phone that will connect from multiple location so the ip address will be unknown. If I remove the BinkpHost and BinkpPort key words would this stop the dns lookups?

    leave it blank.

    The phone needs to connect to the BBS. not the other way around.

    you set your point node to "hold" status. BinkIT will hold everything until the phone connects, then it will transfer the messages.


    ...Everybody lies; but it doesn't matter much since nobody listens.

    � Synchronet � War Ensemble BBS - The sport is war, total war - warensemble.com
  • From Digital Man@VERT to Khronos on Monday, January 08, 2024 11:56:02
    Re: Interfacing with message bases from Ios or Android
    By: Khronos to Digital Man on Mon Jan 08 2024 01:03 pm

    Re: Interfacing with message bases from Ios or Android
    By: Digital Man to Khronos on Sun Jan 07 2024 18:46:10

    My issue here is that my node I am connecting doesn't have a static ip or hostname.
    This is an Android phone that will connect from multiple location so the ip address will be unknown.
    If I remove the BinkpHost and BinkpPort key words would this stop the dns lookups?

    Just set that node status to "hold" in echocfg. Mail that was previously queued will still attempt to be delievered, so you'd have to delete or rename those files.
    digital man (rob)

    Sling Blade quote #2:
    Karl (re: killing Doyle): I hit him two good whacks in the head with it.
    Norco, CA WX: 55.7�F, 20.0% humidity, 8 mph NNW wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs ---
    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Khronos@VERT/CWSHACK to DaiTengu on Monday, January 08, 2024 17:55:23
    Re: Interfacing with message bases from Ios or Android
    By: DaiTengu to Khronos on Mon Jan 08 2024 08:46:36

    You're trying to send mail to your point. That's not how this works. The point needs to fetch mail from your BBS. It will connect to your BinkIT server, much like you "dial in" to your BBS.

    The only reason I was trying to send mail from my bbs to the point is to make sure that I could send / receive areafix requests and I don't think this will really work for me.
    Would I have to build an echo list some how for the areas I wish to export to the point?
    I have the fidonet areas devided into a group prefixed by fidonet_ in my config.

    � Synchronet � Cw Shack Bbs telnet kf4yey.com:2330 (1:135/205)
  • From DaiTengu@VERT/ENSEMBLE to Khronos on Monday, January 08, 2024 18:42:18
    Re: Interfacing with message bases from Ios or Android
    By: Khronos to DaiTengu on Mon Jan 08 2024 05:55 pm

    You're trying to send mail to your point. That's not how this works. The
    point needs to fetch mail from your BBS. It will connect to your BinkIT
    server, much like you "dial in" to your BBS.

    The only reason I was trying to send mail from my bbs to the point is to make sure that I could send / receive areafix requests and I don't think this will really work for me.
    Would I have to build an echo list some how for the areas I wish to export to the point? I have the fidonet areas devided into a group prefixed by fidonet_ in my config.

    I'm assuming you're using Aftershock.

    Your settings should look something like this (these are my settings) https://photos.app.goo.gl/jq3cixkxxUFHxFWeA

    Then you have 2 options. First, in Aftershock you can click "Mail" Then select "NetMail" The click the icon in the top right that looks like an envelope with a + next to it for a new message.

    Fill out your areafix request, similar to this: https://photos.app.goo.gl/BKcvnxpxszUWUAU28

    then click the "send" button in the top right (looks like: |> )

    then, back at the main screen click "Poll Uplink"

    Assuming things are set up correctly with BinkIT and SBBSEcho, your BBS should accept the connection, and process the areafix request.

    SBBSecho will create the netmail response, and package it for your point. You should have your point set up as "h" or "hold"

    Then, click "Poll uplink" again.

    The above process should take mere seconds.

    Aftershock will import the areafix response as netmail. click "Mail" and you should see:


    meaining you have 1 unread netmail message. your areafix response.

    The other option is to edit your /sbbs/data/areas.bbs file directly and add your point address to any echos you want to read in Aftershock. Then when mail come into your BBS, SBBSEcho will package it for Aftershock to pick up next time you hit "Poll uplink".

    You do not need to set echos up in Aftershock. Any mail that comes in, it will sort into echos and display them.


    ...I reserve my abuse for lower life forms, like Civil Servants.

    � Synchronet � War Ensemble BBS - The sport is war, total war - warensemble.com
  • From Khronos@VERT/CWSHACK to DaiTengu on Tuesday, January 09, 2024 10:02:27
    Re: Interfacing with message bases from Ios or Android
    By: DaiTengu to Khronos on Mon Jan 08 2024 18:42:18

    Re: Interfacing with message bases from Ios or Android
    I'm assuming you're using Aftershock.

    Yes I am trying Aftershock for now.
    I have also setup Newstap on my iphone over nntp to see if I can make this process work better for me.
    I'm not sure an ftn connection for me is the best way to attack this problem. What I'm looking for is a common way to access the message bases on my system in a way that I do not have to be woried about what type of network they are connected to from the client side.
    For my mobile phones nttp may fit the bill for this as long as my bbs does the stripping of my e-mail address on outgoing posts.

    In windows I am still up in the air about my method of access as I am not sure of what usenet reader I should use.
    Another idea I had is I wonder if in windows I could turn each message base into its own mailing list where I'd have [email protected] as the e-mail address and then I would run authenticated smtp and imap on non-standard ports to allow me to send mail through my board in the cloud while using Outlook on the windows side.
    In Linux I would just use telnet over ssh or whatever to use the editor I have built in to Synchronet itself.

    Your settings should look something like this (these are my settings) https://photos.app.goo.gl/jq3cixkxxUFHxFWeA

    I'm sorry I can not see the image in this link because I am blind, and you didn't have any way of knowing this ahead of time.
    I believe I have things setup properly on the client side the issue I am having is I don't think I have things completely setup right on the bbs for operating a boss / point node configuration.
    Another issue is that I would have to create a node for each ftn I want to communicate through and this would increase the complexity on me to do this as well as not being able to have access to Dovenet through my client because it is not an ftn.


    � Synchronet � Cw Shack Bbs telnet kf4yey.com:2330 (1:135/205)
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Khronos on Tuesday, January 09, 2024 10:10:03
    Re: Interfacing with message bases from Ios or Android
    By: Khronos to DaiTengu on Tue Jan 09 2024 10:02 am

    problem. What I'm looking for is a common way to access the message bases on my system in a way that I do not have to be woried about what type of network they are connected to from the client side.

    Maybe you should just use the synchronet web interface to access
    the messages on your system.

    Also you are blind, and that is another hurdle. I've messed around with hotdoged and aftershock. I would suggest doing the web interface route.
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Carlos Navarro@VERT to DaiTengu on Wednesday, January 10, 2024 21:17:22
    Hello, DaiTengu.
    On 8/1/24 15:48 you wrote:

    Though convenient, it is not required. You can type the echo
    names, one per line, and HotdogEd will create a netmail to
    Maybe that was just me. It's been quite a while since I had to
    set up HotDogEd, since it hasn't worked on any phone I've owned in
    the past 2-3 years.

    IIRC I had to adjust some settings for the HotdogEd apps on this phone.

    I'm lucky it still works for me, even after it upgraded to Android 13.


    --- HotdogEd/2.13.5 (Android; Google Android; rv:1) Hotdoged/1694692242000 Hotd
    * Origin: cyberiada-NNTP (2:341/234.99)
    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Khronos@VERT/CWSHACK to All on Thursday, January 11, 2024 04:55:07
    Could you post your ancho.ini entry?

    "Carlos Navarro" (VERT) <VERT![email protected]> wrote:
    Hello, DaiTengu.
    On 8/1/24 15:48 you wrote:

    Though convenient, it is not required. You can type the echo
    names, one per line, and HotdogEd will create a netmail to
    Maybe that was just me. It's been quite a while since I had to
    set up HotDogEd, since it hasn't worked on any phone I've owned in
    the past 2-3 years.

    IIRC I had to adjust some settings for the HotdogEd apps on this phone.

    I'm lucky it still works for me, even after it upgraded to Android 13.

    � Synchronet � Cw Shack Bbs telnet kf4yey.com:2330 (1:135/205)
  • From Carlos Navarro@VERT to Khronos on Thursday, January 11, 2024 18:11:41
    Hello, Khronos.
    On 11/1/24 4:55 you wrote:

    Could you post your ancho.ini entry?

    What's that?

    --- Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android
    * Origin: cyberiada (2:341/234.12)
    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Khronos@VERT/CWSHACK to Carlos Navarro on Thursday, January 11, 2024 17:38:23
    Re: Re: Interfacing with message bases from Ios or Android
    By: Carlos Navarro to Khronos on Thu Jan 11 2024 18:11:41

    Hello, Khronos.

    The sbbsecho.ini file is the file that describes the fidonet peers that the bbs is linked too.
    I was asuming that you were the sysop of the system your point is connected too.
    If your system your are linked through isn't a Synchronet system then this process would be handled through other programs then.


    � Synchronet � Cw Shack Bbs telnet kf4yey.com:2330 (1:135/205)
  • From Carlos Navarro@VERT to Khronos on Friday, January 12, 2024 19:41:06
    11 Jan 2024 17:38, you wrote to me:

    The sbbsecho.ini file is the file that describes the fidonet peers
    that the bbs is linked too.

    Ok. You wrote "ancho.ini", that confused me...

    I was asuming that you were the sysop of the system your point is connected too. If your system your are linked through isn't a
    Synchronet system then this process would be handled through other programs then.

    I am the sysop, but no Synchronet here (though I intend to try it some day).

    My HotdogEd points are configured in my mailer (Binkd) and tosser (FMail) just like the other points.

    BTW I have connected to a Synchronet system with HotdogEd, though not as a point, but with its newsreader module (NNTP Provider). Works fine.


    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: cyberiada (2:341/234.1)
    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Ragnarok@VERT/DOCKSUD to Carlos Navarro on Monday, January 15, 2024 17:36:37
    El 12/1/24 a las 15:41, Carlos Navarro escribi�:
    11 Jan 2024 17:38, you wrote to me:

    Kh> The sbbsecho.ini file is the file that describes the fidonet peers
    Kh> that the bbs is linked too.

    Ok. You wrote "ancho.ini", that confused me...

    Kh> I was asuming that you were the sysop of the system your point is
    Kh> connected too. If your system your are linked through isn't a
    Kh> Synchronet system then this process would be handled through other
    Kh> programs then.

    I am the sysop, but no Synchronet here (though I intend to try it some day).

    My HotdogEd points are configured in my mailer (Binkd) and tosser (FMail) just like the other points.

    BTW I have connected to a Synchronet system with HotdogEd, though not as a point, but with its newsreader module (NNTP Provider). Works fine.

    If i can help, I have hotdog connected to my binkit.js on sbbs, this is
    my point setup (nothing special or different that another points / nodes):

    Name = Fernando Toledo (movil)
    Comment = movil hotdoged
    Archive = None
    PacketType = 2+
    PacketPwd = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    AreaFix = true
    AreaFixPwd = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    SessionPwd = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    TicFilePwd = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Inbox =
    Outbox =
    Passive = false
    Direct = false
    Notify = false
    Status = Hold
    GroupHub =
    BinkpHost =
    BinkpPort = 24554
    BinkpPoll = false
    BinkpPlainAuthOnly = false
    BinkpAllowPlainAuth = true
    BinkpAllowPlainText = true
    BinkpTLS = false
    BinkpSourceAddress =
    � Synchronet � Dock Sud BBS TLD 24 HS - bbs.docksud.com.ar