• web page registration questions

    From Rixter@VERT/RICKSBBS to all on Friday, July 12, 2024 09:30:42
    Good morning,
    I have my web page registration form set up for Alias, password, and location. I have the scfg user config set the same. Yet, the web page insists on asking for a netmail address of pat.m.f I have even tried deleting that section from the newuser.js and it still requires the netmail address before completing the registration. I do however require a location and that is set in scfg to yes. I don't care about other information other than username and location. I do want the location. I have been studying the newuser.js and the newuser.ssjs flavors but do not understand how to turn off the required netmail feature. It is confusing some of my new applicants. they just put in pat.m.f anyways. I would like it gone and even though I deleted that section it is still asking for one. LOL. How do i force a location response instead of the applicant leaving it blank. It is turned on to yes in the scfg for the telnet applicants, no problems there. What am I missing? thank you and have a good day.

    � Synchronet � Ricks BBS - RICKSBBS.SYNCHRO.NET
  • From Digital Man@VERT to Rixter on Friday, July 12, 2024 12:42:41
    Re: web page registration questions
    By: Rixter to all on Fri Jul 12 2024 09:30 am

    Good morning,
    I have my web page registration form set up for Alias, password, and location. I have the scfg user config set the same. Yet, the web page insists on asking for a netmail address of pat.m.f

    What is "pat.m.f"?

    There are multiple web interfaces available for Synchronet. Which one are you using/referring to here? The default has been ecWebv4 for a while now.
    ... but it's not your only option.

    I have even tried
    deleting that section from the newuser.js

    newuser.js is not used by any web interface.

    And what "section" are you referring to? There's nothing in the stock newuser.js about prompting for a netmail address.

    and it still requires the netmail
    address before completing the registration.

    If you're refering to ecWebv4, then the file that controls that is webv4/pages/000-register.xjs. And looking at the code, it seems to only require the netmail field if its so-configured in SCFG (the checks for UQ_NONETMAIL).
    digital man (rob)

    This Is Spinal Tap quote #43:
    I feel my role in the band is ... kind of like lukewarm water.
    Norco, CA WX: 81.4�F, 63.0% humidity, 4 mph W wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs
    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Rixter@VERT/RICKSBBS to Digital Man on Friday, July 12, 2024 19:57:40
    Re: web page registration questions
    By: Rixter to all on Fri Jul 12 2024 09:30 am

    What is "pat.m.f"?

    There are multiple web interfaces available for Synchronet. Which one are you using/referring to here? The default has been ecWebv4 for a while now. https://wiki.synchro.net/config:webv4
    ... but it's not your only option.

    newuser.js is not used by any web interface.

    And what "section" are you referring to? There's nothing in the stock newuser.js about prompting for a netmail address.

    If you're refering to ecWebv4, then the file that controls that is webv4/pages/000-register.xjs. And looking at the code, it seems to only require the netmail field if its so-configured in SCFG (the checks for UQ_NONETMAIL).
    digital man (rob)

    This Is Spinal Tap quote #43:
    I feel my role in the band is ... kind of like lukewarm water.
    Norco, CA WX: 81.4�F, 63.0% humidity, 4 mph W wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs ---
    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet �

    Yes sir webv4/pages/000-register.xjs is the file I was trying to modify. It mentions I can delete sections I do not need. I just want to turn off the manditory email requirement. It has a suggestion in the field that reads [email protected] and most that register through the web site just put that in when registering. I do not want their email address but no matter what I change it demands that an email address be entered if they try to leave that field blank. I will keep studying this. Thanks for getting back to me. I will reach out the the electronic chicken as well. I am obviously missing something. I have the email/netmail option set to NO in the new user questionnaire, but it requires one on the web page registration in 000-register.xjs. Thanks for all the help

    � Synchronet � Ricks BBS - RICKSBBS.SYNCHRO.NET