Re: some old doors only display control codes locally
By: Rixter to all on Wed Jun 12 2024 07:44 am
Thanks to Rob I got the ntvdm64 to work and some of the door games on my bbs now work, but some of them when i try to play local only show control codes. I remember there was a program called nansi.sys i used WAY back when to to see the games locally in ANSI through DOS mode. I think I had to load them in something called an autoexec.bat file that started when the pc started. Is that still such a thing and if so, How do i load nansi.sys into the system so i can see these local graphics? Is there something better than nansi.sys? I just remember using this a LONG time ago. i can make out a few words in the local mode but 95 percent is just control code gibberish to my eyes. I was not sure if nansi.sys could be loaded anymore or not but since i can now run old 16 bit doors on pc and local i wanted to see some of my favorites local before i put them on bbs. in particular one called lasso! from T&J software 1995. Any ideas, thank you.
Try running first.
No, autoexec.bat is not a thing on modern Windows systems. There is the autoexec.nt for auto-running things in 16-bit environmnets on more recent Windows NT variants, but I don't think it's used in modern (64-bit) Windows versions.
digital man (rob)
This Is Spinal Tap quote #21:
So when you're playing you feel like a preserved moose on stage?
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