Can it be made the default in new synchronet installs, new users can not post in echomail areas?
Venus, Innana and so on...
Sailor Moon is targeted as somewhat of modern representation of following mythology) if you suspect something or know anything write about it!
6. Daughters of those from groups above!
inform inform inform!
Can it be made the default in new synchronet installs, new users can not post >in
echomail areas?
Bye, Wilfred.
Can it be made the default in new synchronet installs, new users can
not post in echomail areas?
Possible, yes, but:
1. wouldn't change the configuration hundreds of existing Synchronet installs
2. would open a FAQ for me answer: How come my users can't post on echomail areas?
3. sysops that unknowingly verify nut-job bulk posting users would end
up with the same result
Venus, Innana and so on...
Sailor Moon is targeted as somewhat of modern representation of
mythology) if you suspect something or know anything write about it!
6. Daughters of those from groups above!
inform inform inform!
Can it be made the default in new synchronet installs, new users can
not post in echomail areas?
That's something that sysops should decide.
there's no way to know when someone's going to be posting crazy shit.
also this guy wasn't overly harmful or damaging to the network.
it's up to the sysop to police their own bbs. you can't do it all for them.
also this guy wasn't overly harmful or damaging to the network.
There have been multiple posts in different echomail areas, by "different" users, from different systems, for weeks now, all with the same content. I find it annoying.
it's up to the sysop to police their own bbs. you can't do it all for them.
Of course. And as I said above, I'm not asking to limit the sysops options, just change a default setting in new installations. It's probably an easy change, and can prevent new inexperienced sysops, from having their systems abused by these kind of spammers (or bots).
also this guy wasn't overly harmful or damaging to the network.
There have been multiple posts in different echomail areas, by "different"
users, from different systems, for weeks now, all with the same content. I
find it annoying.
are you a sysop? you can use your twitfilter to block them.
that's the best way to do it. as a sysop you decide what you have on
your system.
it's up to the sysop to police their own bbs. you can't do it all
for them.
Of course. And as I said above, I'm not asking to limit the sysops options,
just change a default setting in new installations. It's probably an easy
change, and can prevent new inexperienced sysops, from having their systems
abused by these kind of spammers (or bots).
Are they spammers bots or real people? i thought they were real
having people blocked by default from posting is something that should
be a sysop decision, not a default bbs setting.
There have been multiple posts in different echomail areas, by "different" users, from different systems, for weeks now, all with the same content. I find it annoying.
but to see all the future "why cant my users post in message groups" messages would probably annoy many people.
On 2024-05-16 06:57:09, you wrote to me:
Are the average new Synchronet sysops that stupid, they don't check their settings before asking such questions?
And can't you have different default settings for verified/approved users?
Bye, Wilfred.
Are the average new Synchronet sysops that stupid, they don't check
their settings before asking such questions?
And can't you have different default settings for verified/approved users?
No I dont think we are that stupid.
I will admit I had a spam user get access to my fidonet areas. I have since locked it all down. Maybe in your infinite wisdom, you could recommend a way to validate users so they can have access to Fidonet Message bases??
Are the average new Synchronet sysops that stupid, they don't check their settings before asking such questions?
Can it be made the default in new synchronet installs, new users can
not post in echomail areas?
Possible, yes, but:
1. wouldn't change the configuration hundreds of existing Synchronet installs
That's not an argument to make improvements in new versions!
Dumas Walker wrote to WILFRED VAN VELZEN <=-
Can it be made the default in new synchronet installs, new users can
not post in echomail areas?
Possible, yes, but:
1. wouldn't change the configuration hundreds of existing Synchronet installs
That's not an argument to make improvements in new versions!
I am not really sure that the default is what you think it is
When you install Synchronet, IIRC, only Dovenet comes
preinstalled with defaults. It is up to the sysop to add those
FTN echoes and, if they set them to where the default new user
level has access, they get access.
I am not real sure what DM can do to force sysops not to do that
on their own systems.
and some of them may not even know what the crap echomail is much less
how to keep one guy who is posting about rfid chipped girls out of it.
When you install Synchronet, IIRC, only Dovenet comes preinstalled
with defaults. It is up to the sysop to add those FTN echoes and, if
they set them to where the default new user level has access, they get access.
I am not real sure what DM can do to force sysops not to do that on their own systems.
On 2024-05-15 17:12:43, you wrote to me:
Venus, Innana and so on...
Sailor Moon is targeted as somewhat of modern representation of
mythology) if you suspect something or know anything write about it!
6. Daughters of those from groups above!
inform inform inform!
Can it be made the default in new synchronet installs, new users can
not post in echomail areas?
That's something that sysops should decide.
Of course! I'm not asking to remove their choice, only to change the default
there's no way to know when someone's going to be posting crazy shit.
Indeed, so it's better to restrict what they can do until they are "verified
also this guy wasn't overly harmful or damaging to the network.
There have been multiple posts in different echomail areas, by "different" u
it's up to the sysop to police their own bbs. you can't do it all for them.
Of course. And as I said above, I'm not asking to limit the sysops options, mers (or bots).
Bye, Wilfred.
Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip planted without them knowing it
By: Wilfred van Velzen to MRO on Thu May 16 2024 11:42:12
There have been multiple posts in different echomail areas, by "differe users, from different systems, for weeks now, all with the same content find it annoying.
when I come up on that message, just like any other spam on my system, I pus y annoy many people.
Of course. And as I said above, I'm not asking to limit the sysops
mers (or bots).
I disagree with changing the default. It's very easy to jiggle the
new user settings to do that.
I disagree with changing the default. It's very easy to jiggle the new
user settings to do that.
Maybe it's easy, but it's overlooked by new sysops...
It's the responsability of the originating systems sysop what they allow to be send into the net from their system. Certainly if they have the means to control it. It's rediculus to make it everybody elses problem...
having people blocked by default from posting is something that should be a sysop decision, not a default bbs setting.
Whatever the default is, it is still the sysops decision, how he sets this setting.
No I dont think we are that stupid. I will admit I had a spam user get access to my fidonet areas. I have since locked it all down. Maybe in your infinite wisdom, you could recommend a way to validate users so they can have access to Fidonet Message bases??
The time between creating an account and getting approved to post in echomail areas, is probably already enough to deter most spammers/bots.
And they are probably not going to fill in real verifiable info, so they would be easy to spot. And it's not worth to go to all the effort for them to get approved, for such a limited audience. It's a (big) numbers game for them...
Hi Dumas,
On 2024-05-16 08:47:00, you wrote to me:
When you install Synchronet, IIRC, only Dovenet comes preinstalled
with defaults. It is up to the sysop to add those FTN echoes and, if they set them to where the default new user level has access, they get access.
I am not real sure what DM can do to force sysops not to do that on their own systems.
I don't know either, I was just asking if it would be possible...
also that msg you are quoting is from a long time ago, right.
do you not know how to twitfilter?
do you not know how to twitfilter?
Of course I do. But that is not fixing the problem. And it's just a temporary "fix" until they log in with a different name...
3. The ^^ above mentioned person needs to arrange that every Sysop check in once weekly in the Sysop area so that everyone can keep on point,
If they miss a check-in and/or a couple follow up messages they
should be put on hold until they pay attention..
kk4qbn wrote to Wilfred van Velzen <=-
Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip planted without them knowing it
By: Wilfred van Velzen to MRO on Fri May 17 2024 09:27:09
do you not know how to twitfilter?
Of course I do. But that is not fixing the problem. And it's just a temporary "fix" until they log in with a different name...
Really, all it boils down to is the Sysops AND the EC,
Moderators, or whatever title the person who provides the mail to
the sysops not running the networks correctly..
1. If the EC, Moderato, or whatever title of the day detects a
message they do not see fit, they need to delete it before it
goes further downsteam and notify the offending systems sysop
so it can be remedied.
2. This EC, Moderator, title of the day, or whatever they call
themselves need
to login and check on their message bases more than once a
week, should
really be daily.. some of these people you cannot even get
ahold of..
if they cannot do this, something needs to be remedied to
replace them.
if that is'nt an option, then the network should be considered obsolete.
3. The ^^ above mentioned person needs to arrange that every
Sysop check in once weekly in the Sysop area so that everyone
can keep on point, If they
miss a check-in and/or a couple follow up messages they should
be put on
hold until they pay attention..
Heck.. thats really about it.. It's not a "Dumb" sysop issue,
It's a "Lazy" sysop issue. and the main issues is with some of
the upstream hubs, etc who do not correctly maintain their
message networks. whether it be an FTN, QWK, etc.
A simple structure should be laid out by that EC, and explained
to every Sysop that gets a feed from that EC.
3. The ^^ above mentioned person needs to arrange that every Sysop check
in once weekly in the Sysop area so that everyone can keep on point,
If they miss a check-in and/or a couple follow up messages they should
be put on hold until they pay attention..
do we get pop and pizza?
Are they spammers bots or real people? i thought they were real people. having people blocked by default from posting is something that should be a sysop decision, not a default bbs setting.
No I dont think we are that stupid. I will admit I had a spam user get access to my fidonet areas. I have since locked it all down. Maybe in your infinite wisdom, you could recommend a way to validate users so they can have access to
Fidonet Message bases??
You don't have a good understanding of how modern echomail distribution happens.
When messages arrive at a hub, they are sent out to that hub's downlinks in a matter of seconds. Yes, seconds. There is ZERO chance that the NC (the correct "title") is going to catch/stop an offending message. ZERO. They come in, and immediately go back out to downlinks. Even if the RC/NC was sitting at the computer with his hands on the keyboard, they could not stop the message from going downstream.
LOL ... While some of the above is certainly true, "checking on their message bases" would have nothing to do with catching/stopping an offensive message. It can't be done.
kk4qbn wrote to Wilfred van Velzen <=-
1. If the EC, Moderato, or whatever title of the day detects a message they do not see fit, they need to delete it before it goes further downsteam and notify the offending systems sysop so it can be
3. The ^^ above mentioned person needs to arrange that every Sysop c
in once weekly in the Sysop area so that everyone can keep on poi
do we get pop and pizza?
I dunno.. gott ask that person.. i'm not that person and never will be ever again :-) too much drama for me to deal with. but, if I were that person.. if it were a real get together instead of virtual.. sure..
pizza at pizza hut buffet.. just like we did in the 90's. it was a great time. ---
Ok, so your saying you have both you FTN and QWK networks set to CRASH anytime something comes in? really does'nt seem like something you would want to do with echomail.. maybe NETMAIL, but not echomail.. Now I have
On 2024-05-16 17:33:55, you wrote to me:
do you not know how to twitfilter?
Of course I do. But that is not fixing the problem. And it's just a temporary "fix" until they log in with a different name...
Hi Carol,
On 2024-05-16 13:07:00, you wrote to me:
Of course. And as I said above, I'm not asking to limit the sysops
mers (or bots).
(Your quoter is broken...)
I disagree with changing the default. It's very easy to jiggle the
new user settings to do that.
Maybe it's easy, but it's overlooked by new sysops...
Bye, Wilfred.
Are they spammers bots or real people? i thought they were real people. having people blocked by default from posting is something that should be a sysop decision, not a default bbs setting.
I think this is a real person. Early on, Pengo was responding back to replies. Their real name (at least what they use at logon) is Lesley.
Their IP address block is which resolves to
After they logged on here and found they could only post their drivel on a local area, they've not been back. Since I blocked the above IPA range, that could also be why.
The latest messages I saw were from a board that joined after a lot of this info was shared here by another sysop, so they were probably not aware of the "Pengo" problem.
While they have hit synchronet systems a lot, they've also hit other boards which also makes me think it is not a bot (or it is very sophisticated).
No I dont think we are that stupid. I will admit I had a spam user get access to my fidonet areas. I have since locked it all down. Maybe in your infinite wisdom, you could recommend a way to validate users so they can have access to
Fidonet Message bases??
Back in time, I had a couple of users log on, act normal enough to get access and then start spamming. "Pengo" logged on here as a regular user and, had they not used the "Pengo" alias, I might not have caught on until after they started spamming.
Luckily, new users only have access to a few bases and, since they used the "Pengo" alias, they are in the twitlist so no posts they might have been able to make could go out through sbbsecho.
closest thing i got was a local volkswagen enthusiast club .. was a web foru with a pretty large community. we'd go on cruises out to the beach or the local raceway or whatever.. have bonfires.. good times. i guess a combo of facebook and a disconnect from the desktop pc killed that off. ah well.
I am not real sure what DM can do to force sysops not to do that on their own systems.
Maybe it's easy, but it's overlooked by new sysops...
kk4qbn wrote to Gamgee <=-
Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip planted without them knowing it
By: Gamgee to kk4qbn on Fri May 17 2024 07:49:00
You don't have a good understanding of how modern echomail distribution happens.
ok, Maybe not FTN.. but truly.. FTN isn't "Modern".. it was never
meant to be intantanious. as far as I know. except for netmail.
and that was in a best case scenario "back in the day"
When messages arrive at a hub, they are sent out to that hub's downlinks in a matter of seconds. Yes, seconds. There is ZERO chance that the NC (the correct "title") is going to catch/stop an offending message. ZERO. They come in, and immediately go back out to downlinks. Even if the RC/NC was sitting at the computer with his hands on the keyboard, they could not stop the message from going downstream.
Ok, so your saying you have both you FTN and QWK networks set to
CRASH anytime something comes in?
really does'nt seem like
something you would want to do with echomail.. maybe NETMAIL, but
not echomail..
Now I have been out of the BBS world since about
2016 or so, so if there is another method besides FTN, and QWK.
then yeah.. I have no idea.. but for qwk networks, especially
with the traffic we get anymore, I'm not polling anymore than 4
times daily..
and truthfully, I don't believe I will ever setup
another ftn network, lol I've been waiting close to two months to
hear back from someone on a qwk hub for a network that I have now
even forgot the name of because I've been waiting so long. I
don't really know about not having a good understanding of the
techonology I pretty much know how it works, even in todays
"modern" world.
just my opinion, and we all know about opinions,
modern echomail does'nt warrant instantanias transport. crash
your hub 15 times a day for 15 messages.. lol. If a sysop is'nt
doing that, they may every now and then catch a mistake, or spam
or something before it goes down stream.
It was just an idea. it's not perfect.. nothing perfect. the best
that can happen really is just twitlisting..
LOL ... While some of the above is certainly true, "checking on their message bases" would have nothing to do with catching/stopping an offensive message. It can't be done.
Ok.. if you say so..
at pizza hut buffet.. just like we did in the 90's. it was a great time.
that sort of thing is still cool imo. some of the ham radio clubs still do the bi-weekly (or whatever) breakfast type of thing.. and i see posts about vintage computer meetups in Cali on.. fidonet i think it was.
closest thing i got was a local volkswagen enthusiast club .. was a web forum with a pretty large community. we'd go on cruises out to the beach or the local raceway or whatever.. have bonfires.. good times. i guess a combo of facebook and a disconnect from the desktop pc killed that off. ah well.
There's a YouTube channel called VWLife, they just had a convoy of old VW busses crossing the southwest and going to Mexico, I think - hardy vehicles, those old buses. Seems like they used the channel to make a virtual club that can still get together and party...
Old buses get around 20 miles a gallon and have a 10 gallon tank, so you're stopping a lot. Just like the old cars I grew up in, on the trip they encountered finicky carbs, dirty fuel filters that starve the engine, bad spark plugs - even replacing an alternator along the way. Bonus points for him having a spare alternator...
My first 2 vehicles were VW Buses (1969 and 1970) and I can tell they are slow, dangerous hunks of junk. But 20 MPG? It think they did better than that (and I had dual carbs on each).
My first 2 vehicles were VW Buses (1969 and 1970) and I can tell they are slow, dangerous hunks of junk. But 20 MPG? It think they did better than that (and I had dual carbs on each).
Easy to say; impossible to put into actual practice.
I think the original VW Bus had the same engine used in the Beetle, didn't it? I could understand how the (larger) Bus would be slow..
Nopants wrote to Gamgee <=-
Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
By: Gamgee to kk4qbn on Fri May 17 2024 08:49 am
Easy to say; impossible to put into actual practice.
Wait, isn't this how we solve problems today? Just sayin...
On 2024-05-16 17:33:55, you wrote to me:
do you not know how to twitfilter?
Of course I do. But that is not fixing the problem. And it's just a temporar
Bye, Wilfred.
Bye, Wilfred.
So, because some idiot is changing names on your site, you want a worldwide change of SBBS installs? Wanna explain it better?
Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip planted without them knowing it
By: Digital Man to poindexter FORTRAN on Fri May 17 2024 04:39 pm
My first 2 vehicles were VW Buses (1969 and 1970) and I can tell they are slow, dangerous hunks of junk. But 20 MPG? It think they did better than that (and I had dual carbs on each).
don't know 'but dat!
20mpg for a large vehicle is pretty good.
are you talking highway miles?
one of my cars is an older but still in great shape ford exploder.
i get like 13 mpg street and 18+ highway
Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip planted without them knowing it
By: Digital Man to poindexter FORTRAN on Fri May 17 2024 04:39 pm
My first 2 vehicles were VW Buses (1969 and 1970) and I can tell they are slow, dangerous hunks of junk. But 20 MPG? It think they did better than that (and I had dual carbs on each).
I think the original VW Bus had the same engine used in the Beetle, didn't it? I could understand how the (larger) Bus would be slow..
Maybe it's easy, but it's overlooked by new sysops...
Or new sysops intentionally have it set that way.
Or maybe the nut-job poster actually uses a real email address and validates their account that way and then posts their garbage.
I would just assume "new sysops" are fault for every posting by this
do you not know how to twitfilter?
Of course I do. But that is not fixing the problem. And it's just a
I would just assume "new sysops" are fault for every posting by this nut.
If you mean "wouldn't", I agree. ;-)
Of course I do. But that is not fixing the problem. And it's just a
Your quoter just cuts of longer sentences in the middle of word... :-(
Still I think inexpercience of new sysops plays a role in this. So I'm
blaming them for this happening. Changing the default setting is for helping them to prevent such things happening...
And like i said, with synchronet you could use the ARS system to not
allow the posts until x amount of calls.
anyways, i keep asking but nobody really is answering my question. is this going on now and who's doing it?
On 2024-05-18 15:14:48, you wrote to me:
And like i said, with synchronet you could use the ARS system to not allow the posts until x amount of calls.
That's a good option too. Is it turned on by default in new installs?
anyways, i keep asking but nobody really is answering my question. is this going on now and who's doing it?
The last ones I received came in last Wednesday in de ECHO_ADDS and FIDONEWS area. On Tuesday they were posted in FIDONEWS and FNEWS_PUBLISH. Those were the first ones in May. But there were a lot more in March and all through April, but from different systems...
i havent seen it so i have something right in my twitfilter or in my ip filter
i blocked pengo back in feb.
i see shitty necroposting to the pengo pedo post post on thurs may 02 on vert.
is it this marry4 guy?
Well that bbs in norway where pengo was posting from, that sysop and all the other people are all the same guy.
He even lied and said he blocked that person and when i was logged in there i saw that person login and they were in the msg areas.
We got another case of crazy sysop syndrome.
i'm still not seeing any of this shit. is someone actually going around now posting junk?
I am not real sure what DM can do to force sysops not to do that on their own systems.
We could change the default settings for new users to include the 'N' restriction, which would (by defualt, in new SBBS installs) prevent new users from posting messages on networks.
i havent seen it so i have something right in my twitfilter or in my ip filter
i blocked pengo back in feb.
i see shitty necroposting to the pengo pedo post post on thurs may 02 on vert.
Yep. ;)
is it this marry4 guy?
Shitty or pengo? I don't think either of them are mary4 but could be wrong.
i'm still not seeing any of this shit. is someone actually going around now posting junk?
If you have him added to your twitlist, then you are like me and not seeing it.
The OP doesn't run synchronet, I don't think, so they probably don't have Pengo/etc. in their twitlist (and maybe don't have one).
I am not real sure what DM can do to force sysops not to do that on their own systems.
We could change the default settings for new users to include the 'N' restriction, which would (by defualt, in new SBBS installs) prevent new users from posting messages on networks.
That sounds harmless enough.
Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
By: Carol Shenkenberger to Wilfred van Velzen on Fri May 17 2024 04:57 pm
Bye, Wilfred.
So, because some idiot is changing names on your site, you want a worldwi change of SBBS installs? Wanna explain it better?
i'm still not seeing any of this shit. is someone actually going around now
On Sat, 18 May 2024 17:30:20 +0200, you wrote:
Of course I do. But that is not fixing the problem. And it's just a
Your quoter just cuts of longer sentences in the middle of word... :-(
All of her editor's (if she still uses SlyEdit) issues have long since been
... Take my advice, I don't use it anyway.
fusion wrote to kk4qbn <=-
i frequently watch people have chats in near realtime on FTN. it
wouldn't be unreasonable to implement a "scan for new messages forever" option on a BBS nowadays and just have it spew messages realtime.
I noticed on vert's fidonet echos these posts aren't
showing up. so either DM filtered properly or manually deleted the posts.
i'm still not seeing any of this shit. is someone actually going around now
I've not seen any of it. Seems limited to Z2?
fusion wrote to kk4qbn <=-
i frequently watch people have chats in near realtime on FTN. it wouldn't be unreasonable to implement a "scan for new messages forever" option on a BBS nowadays and just have it spew messages realtime.
Center of Awareness (CoA) was a BBS network that offered instaneous chat
and messaging, it was the brainchild of electronic chicken, if memory serves. Very cool tech that took BBS networking in a different
All of her editor's (if she still uses SlyEdit) issues have long since been
You've been claiming that for years. Give it up.
anyways, i keep asking but nobody really is answering my
this going on now and who's doing it?
The last ones I received came in last Wednesday in de ECHO_ADDS and
FIDONEWS area. On Tuesday they were posted in FIDONEWS and FNEWS_PUBLISH.
Those were the first ones in May. But there were a lot more in March and
all through April, but from different systems...
could have gave me a screenshot. i'm not a member of fidonet.
you're not even mentioning the names of the people.
why dont you tell your hubs to filter these posts from fidonet?
it would be more effective.
i'm still not seeing any of this shit. is someone actually going around
I've not seen any of it. Seems limited to Z2?
furthermore the guy said they
were using other non synchronet bbses to post.
why dont you tell your hubs to filter these posts from fidonet?
it would be more effective.
It's better to fix it at the source. Besides it's highly frowned upon to filter
I've not seen any of it. Seems limited to Z2?
No it originated on a Z1 system, and got everywhere...
furthermore the guy said they
were using other non synchronet bbses to post.
I have noticed, and mentioned, that also. IMHO, it happens most with synchronet BBSes because there are so many of them, but I have also seen
him post from mystic and at least one other type bbs (forget which now).
* SLMR 2.1a * He who laughs last...had to have it explained.
you're not even mentioning the names of the people.
Why is that important? He/She/They changed names a couple of times al ready, so they can do that again.
It's better to fix it at the source. Besides it's highly frowned upon to filter echomail.
I've not seen any of it. Seems limited to Z2?
No it originated on a Z1 system, and got everywhere...
furthermore the guy said they
were using other non synchronet bbses to post.
I have noticed, and mentioned, that also. IMHO, it happens most with synchronet BBSes because there are so many of them, but I have also seen
him post from mystic and at least one other type bbs (forget which now).
My BBS is setup so new users won't even see Dove-net until I upgrade their account also the guest account has the same restrictions.
They can post all the want on my local message base, I also put a that restriction on voting and uploading.
Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
By: Denn to Dumas Walker on Mon May 20 2024 09:51 am
okay dude who got blocked from posting for spam. :D
� Synchronet � ::: - free BBS services :::
Hello Carol,
On Sun, May 19 2024 22:52:00 +0000, you wrote:
All of her editor's (if she still uses SlyEdit) issues have long since b
You've been claiming that for years. Give it up.
I gave up on trying to keep you aware of the editor's progress long ago, you
But yes, I'll let others know (and defend the software that I use and suppor
Have a great rest of your weekend! :D
... Take my advice, I don't use it anyway.
Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
By: Denn to Dumas Walker on Mon May 20 2024 09:51 am
okay dude who got blocked from posting for spam. :DI didn't post spam, WTF are you talking about?
Some people here are just drama Queens.
Not happy unless you stir up a hornets nest.
I gave up on trying to keep you aware of the editor's progress long ago, you
But yes, I'll let others know (and defend the software that I use and suppor
I Did upgrade. You've been TOLD that.
Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
By: Denn to MRO on Mon May 20 2024 08:29 pm
Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
By: Denn to Dumas Walker on Mon May 20 2024 09:51 am
okay dude who got blocked from posting for spam. :DI didn't post spam, WTF are you talking about?
Some people here are just drama Queens.
Not happy unless you stir up a hornets nest.
see what i mean. didn't cross your mind why you got posting priv yanked. that didn't take long
Center of Awareness (CoA) was a BBS network that offered instaneous chat
if it was so great why isn't it still around.
you're not even mentioning the names of the people.
Why is that important? He/She/They changed names a couple of times al
ready, so they can do that again.
Because i needed what to look for because i wasn't seeing it.
furthermore, in some cases you can look up the person's ip address on various bbses.
It's better to fix it at the source. Besides it's highly frowned upon
to filter echomail.
Turn your frown upside down. grow some balls. Asking a specific bbs software
to change a feature to prevent users from posting is stupid.
You guys have all the power to block posts not only by name but my
text strings or anything you can think of.
We've dealt with someone much worse than this guy using different
methods than what you are attempting.
I've not seen any of it. Seems limited to Z2?
No it originated on a Z1 system, and got everywhere...
you guys should have contacted him and told him to twit filter the
names they were using.
1st off, this has nothing to do with you,
2nd I never posted any spam,
you're an idiot.
Don't bother with a reply because you're going in the twitlist.
Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip planted without them knowing it
By: MRO to Kurt Weiske on Sun May 19 2024 17:34:47
Center of Awareness (CoA) was a BBS network that offered instaneous chat
if it was so great why isn't it still around.
Mainly due to difference of opinion about how it should work. I wanted to do it right, others wanted to half-ass it. I cared about privacy and security, others didn't. It was a project that I started with friends and didn't want to continue without consensus, so I gave up.
The core idea was sound - networked messages, chat, games, a few other things, with almost no configuration required - and it would still be here today if I wanted it to be. There was no shortage of interest from sysops.
These are the names that were used for posting these spam messages in the last two months:
Lesley Thompson
Meriadoc Doc
Pere Pasco
meriadoc doc
peregrine apascou
Turn your frown upside down. grow some balls. Asking a specific bbs software
to change a feature to prevent users from posting is stupid.
This is a big simplyfication of what I asked! All I asked was that the
All I asked was that the
default for posting to echomail areas for unverified new users is changed. Not local areas, not for every user! This is not helping the discussion...
You guys have all the power to block posts not only by name but my
text strings or anything you can think of.
"You guys" ?
We've dealt with someone much worse than this guy using different methods than what you are attempting.
Fidonet has a long history of obnoxious users/sysops too. They were always allowed to freely express there opinions and worse, and still are.
1st off, this has nothing to do with you, 2nd I never posted any spam, 3rd you're an idiot.
Don't bother with a reply because you're going in the twitlist.
Is it just me or are people slowly turning this forum into Facebook. Somebody cuts a quote short, or makes a spelling mistake and everyone gets their panties in a twist. You don't like something about what someone says so you threaten to block, unfollow, or YIKES, even put them on a twitlist?
Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
By: Denn to MRO on Mon May 20 2024 22:48:58
Is it just me or are people slowly turning this forum into Facebook. Somebody cuts a quote short, or makes a spelling mistake and everyone gets their panties in a twist. You don't like something about what someone says so you threaten to block, unfollow, or YIKES, even put them on a twitlist? Why do we bother?
(The preceding thoughts were my personal opinion only, and not meant to threaten, harass, diminish, embarass, or cause anyone to run to their safe space)
In the 10 years I've been here MRO has been the
Gladys Kravitz of BBS forums, you know the nosey neighbor on Bewitched, He's a troll.
I don't feel like putting up with him any more.
The easy solution is to put him in my twitlist.
In the 10 years I've been here MRO has been the
Gladys Kravitz of BBS forums, you know the nosey neighbor on Bewitched, He's a troll.
I don't feel like putting up with him any more.
The easy solution is to put him in my twitlist.
In the 10 years I've been here MRO has been the
Gladys Kravitz of BBS forums, you know the nosey neighbor on Bewitched, He's a troll.
I don't feel like putting up with him any more.
The easy solution is to put him in my twitlist.
i used to think he was annoying as fuck
stay longer and you'll realize he's you, but from the future.
i used to think he was annoying as fuck
stay longer and you'll realize he's you, but from the future.
Denn wrote to Mickey <=-
In the 10 years I've been here MRO has been the
Gladys Kravitz of BBS forums, you know the nosey neighbor on
Bewitched, He's a troll.
MRO/Jas Hud reminds me of the saying - "Why would I accept criticism
from someone who I wouldn't accept advice from?"
... Change specifics to ambiguities
--- MultiMail/Win v0.52
� Synchronet � .: :: scientia potentia est :.
MRO/Jas Hud reminds me of the saying - "Why would I accept criticism from someone who I wouldn't accept advice from?"
So are you saying jas hud and MRO are one in the same?
I don't mind
criticism, and I do take advise if it's good advise, I just grow weary of a guy that constantly gets into everybody's business whithout even knowing the facts, he's a troll that just likes to stir things up everywhere he can.
Denn wrote to Mickey <=-
In the 10 years I've been here MRO has been the
Gladys Kravitz of BBS forums, you know the nosey neighbor on Bewitched, He's a troll.
MRO/Jas Hud reminds me of the saying - "Why would I accept criticism
from someone who I wouldn't accept advice from?"
Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
By: poindexter FORTRAN to Denn on Wed May 22 2024 06:33 am
MRO/Jas Hud reminds me of the saying - "Why would I accept criticism from someone who I wouldn't accept advice from?"
That's a really good point.
gets their panties in a twist. You don't like something about what someone says so you threaten to block, unfollow, or YIKES, even put them on a twitlist?
bbs people have always been grumpy pricks.
Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
By: Denn to MRO on Mon May 20 2024 22:48:58
Is it just me or are people slowly turning this forum into Facebook. Somebody cuts a quote short, or makes a spelling mistake and everyone gets their panties in a twist. You don't like something about what someone says (The preceding thoughts were my personal opinion only, and not meant to threaten, harass, diminish, embarass, or cause anyone to run to their safe space)
In the 10 years I've been here MRO has been the
Gladys Kravitz of BBS forums, you know the nosey neighbor on Bewitched, He's a troll.
I don't feel like putting up with him any more.
Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip pYep, ive seen many new sysops just wanting to rekindle their love of BBSing only to be treated like crap by a few then leaving never to be heard from here again, it's not just MRO there are a few that jump in with him.
By: Denn to poindexter FORTRAN on Wed May 22 2024 11:08 am
Yes, they're the same person.
That and he's the only one I've seen on here who repeatedly calls people autistic or other names, and so on..
Yep, ive seen many new sysops just wanting to rekindle their love of BBSing only to be treated like crap by a few then leaving never to be heard from here again, it's not just MRO there are a few that jump in with him.
Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
By: Denn to Nightfox on Wed May 22 2024 08:22 pm
If you really enjoy the hobby of BBSing, you have to ignore some of the bad stuff and not let it bother you too much.
BBSing only to be treated like crap by a few then leaving never to be heard from here again, it's not just MRO there are a few that jump in with him.
If you really enjoy the hobby of BBSing, you have to ignore some of the bad stuff and not let it bother you too much.
If you really enjoy the hobby of BBSing, you have to ignore some of the badThat's true, but some of these guy's just get frustrated. But you're right they should ignore the negative.
stuff and not let it bother you too much.
Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
By: Denn to Nightfox on Thu May 23 2024 01:14 pm
If you really enjoy the hobby of BBSing, you have to ignore some of the badThat's true, but some of these guy's just get frustrated. But you're right they should ignore the negative.
stuff and not let it bother you too much.
It's one thing to ignore negativity about technical abilities or reading comprehension. It's entirely another to have to ignore bigotry. I have no tolerance for intolerance. It's the year 2024, but we have a certain person throwing around slur words like it's 1985.
We talk here about wanting to appeal to more people, but then we allow people to make it feel hostile. The days of you older straight white men being the majority are ending, we need to appeal to those that are becoming the majority. If I hadn't been into BBSing in the mid 90s & had other women helping me feel welcome back then, there's probably no way I'd be here now.
Having no tolerance for intolerance is still intolerance.That's true, but some of these guy's just get frustrated. But you'recomprehension. It's entirely another to have to ignore bigotry. I have no
right they should ignore the negative.
tolerance for intolerance. It's the year 2024, but we have a certain person
throwing around slur words like it's 1985.
Negativity is mostly by a few, there are many people promoting posativity here to, those here that are willing to help the new ones enjoy the hobby. Thats why I say just ignore the negativity.
people to make it feel hostile. The days of you older straight white menNo one should be in a majority, you want to take one majority and replace it with another, in fact we should all be reaching for middle ground. I like Robs approach, when we ask noob questions he points us to the wiki page to encourage us to look for and find the answers to our problems.
being the majority are ending, we need to appeal to those that are becoming
We talk here about wanting to appeal to more people, but then we allow people to make it feel hostile. The days of you older straight white men being the majority are ending, we need to appeal to those that are becoming the majority. If I hadn't been into BBSing in the mid 90s & had other women helping me feel welcome back then, there's probably no way
I'd be here now.
No one should be in a majority, you want to take one majority and replace it with another, in fact we should all be reaching for middle ground. I like Robs approach, when we ask noob questions he points us to the wiki page to encourage us to look for and find the answers to our problems.
I did a poor job of phrasing my thoughts here. In this point, I'm talking about the world in general, not specifically BBSing. I also misspoke saying that some other demographic would take over as the majority. My meaning is more along the lines of old straight white men becoming less & less dominant of a majority.
Ravne wrote to Denn <=-
We talk here about wanting to appeal to more people, but then we allow people to make it feel hostile. The days of you older straight white
men being the majority are ending, we need to appeal to those that are becoming the majority.
Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
By: Ravne to Denn on Fri May 24 2024 10:17 am
Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
By: Denn to Nightfox on Thu May 23 2024 01:14 pm
If you really enjoy the hobby of BBSing, you have to ignore some of t badThat's true, but some of these guy's just get frustrated. But you're right they should ignore the negative.
stuff and not let it bother you too much.
It's one thing to ignore negativity about technical abilities or reading comprehension. It's entirely another to have to ignore bigotry. I have no tolerance for intolerance. It's the year 2024, but we have a certain pers throwing around slur words like it's 1985.
Having no tolerance for intolerance is still intolerance.
Negativity is mostly by a few, there are many people promoting posativity h
Thats why I say just ignore the negativity.
We talk here about wanting to appeal to more people, but then we allow people to make it feel hostile. The days of you older straight white men being the majority are ending, we need to appeal to those that are becomi the majority. If I hadn't been into BBSing in the mid 90s & had other wom helping me feel welcome back then, there's probably no way I'd be here no
No one should be in a majority, you want to take one majority and replace i
I like Robs approach, when we ask noob questions he points us to the wiki p to encourage us to look for and find the answers to our problems.
The person I assume you're referring to is race and gender-agnostic.
He's the same obnoxious, obscene troll regardless of gender, identity,
ethnicity or choice of computer platform.
Sometimes the author gives bad pointers back. I asked once for help finding the right area on the wiki for something very specific, listing all the pages I had tried, and what part I was missing.
Link came bach with the root page of the wiki (obviously useless). I never asked again. No, I never found it either.
Sometimes the author gives bad pointers back. I asked once for help finding the right area on the wiki for something very specific, listing all the pages I had tried, and what part I was missing.
Link came bach with the root page of the wiki (obviously useless). I never asked again. No, I never found it either.
No one should be in a majority, you want to take one majority and replace i
I like Robs approach, when we ask noob questions he points us to the wiki p to encourage us to look for and find the answers to our problems.
Sometimes the author gives bad pointers back. I asked once for help finding the right area on the wiki for something very specific, listing all the pages I had tried, and what part I was missing.
Link came bach with the root page of the wiki (obviously useless). I never asked again. No, I never found it either.
kk4qbn wrote to Carol Shenkenberger <=-
The terms "Synchronet Wiki whatever issue" used in a simple google
search has always directed me to the information I am looking for. ---
incompetent you were. That bewitched reference is lame as hell too.
I used to watch that when i was a kid and i still barely remember it.
Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
By: MRO to Denn on Tue May 21 2024 11:07 pm
incompetent you were. That bewitched reference is lame as hell too.
I used to watch that when i was a kid and i still barely remember it.
The nose twitch tho? Really?
Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
By: Carol Shenkenberger to Denn on Sat May 25 2024 16:12:00
Sometimes the author gives bad pointers back. I asked once for help finding the right area on the wiki for something very specific, listing all the pages I had tried, and what part I was missing.
Link came bach with the root page of the wiki (obviously useless). I never asked again. No, I never found it either.
The terms "Synchronet Wiki whatever issue" used in a simple google search ha
Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
By: kk4qbn to Carol Shenkenberger on Sat May 25 2024 07:04 pm
Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
By: Carol Shenkenberger to Denn on Sat May 25 2024 16:12:00
Sometimes the author gives bad pointers back. I asked once for help finding the right area on the wiki for something very specific, listing all the pages I had tried, and what part I was missing.
Link came bach with the root page of the wiki (obviously useless).
I never asked again. No, I never found it either.
The terms "Synchronet Wiki whatever issue" used in a simple google search ha
It remains not well documented. Not many need it so it doesn't matter anymore.
search ha
It remains not well documented. Not many need it so it doesn't matter anymore.
What is "it"?
Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
By: Carol Shenkenberger to kk4qbn on Wed May 29 2024 04:32 pm
Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
By: kk4qbn to Carol Shenkenberger on Sat May 25 2024 07:04 pm
Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
By: Carol Shenkenberger to Denn on Sat May 25 2024 16:12:00
Sometimes the author gives bad pointers back. I asked once for h finding the right area on the wiki for something very specific, listing all the pages I had tried, and what part I was missing.
Link came bach with the root page of the wiki (obviously useless) I never asked again. No, I never found it either.
The terms "Synchronet Wiki whatever issue" used in a simple google sea ha
It remains not well documented. Not many need it so it doesn't matter anymore.
What is "it"?
digital man (rob)
Steven Wright quote #9:
All those who believe in psycho kinesis, raise my hand.
Norco, CA WX: 74.5�F, 52.0% humidity, 8 mph W wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs
It was a query related to netmail.
What is "it"?
It was a query related to netmail.
If you're just doing echomail and zone 1 netmail, you only need 2
entries for your uplink and one for everyone else (e.g. 1:ALL).
Question, will the doing away with zonegates affect any internal issues
there with the statements? This is happening the next week or so and has
in some zones already.
Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
By: Digital Man to Carol Shenkenberger on Wed May 29 2024 02:56 pm
Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
By: Carol Shenkenberger to kk4qbn on Wed May 29 2024 04:32 pm
Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
By: kk4qbn to Carol Shenkenberger on Sat May 25 2024 07:04 pm
Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
By: Carol Shenkenberger to Denn on Sat May 25 2024 16:12:00
Sometimes the author gives bad pointers back. I asked once for h finding the right area on the wiki for something very specific, listing all the pages I had tried, and what part I was missing.
Link came bach with the root page of the wiki (obviously useless) I never asked again. No, I never found it either.
The terms "Synchronet Wiki whatever issue" used in a simple google sea ha
It remains not well documented. Not many need it so it doesn't matter anymore.
What is "it"?
It was a query related to netmail.
Sysop: | smooth0401 |
Location: | New Providence, NJ |
Users: | 4 |
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Uptime: | 59:49:59 |
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Messages: | 45,781 |