• Amateur Radio Emergency Service Renews Relationship with Red Cross in Puerto Rico

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Friday, February 14, 2025 19:21:20

    Amateur Radio Emergency Service� (ARES�) in the Puerto Rico Section of ARRL The Narional Association for Amateur Radio� has signed a renewal Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the American Red Cross Puerto Rico Region. The agreement establishes a framework of cooperation and a close working relationship with ARRL ARES volunteers.

    Both ARES and the Red Cross agree that, with the resources of both organizations, the public will be best served during disasters, emergencies, and other public service related situations.

    ARRL Puerto Rico Section Manager Carmen N. Greene, KP4QVQ, believes the new MOU benefits everyone. "The renewal of the existing MOU with the American Red Cross of Puerto Rico is a testament to the relationship and commitment we have at the local section level with the legendary organization," she said. "We feel that our communities will greatly benefit from the joint efforts to train and practice the ability to pass messages when the normal infrastructure is not available."

    She added that as a new Section Manager, it feels great to have this experience with an important organization, as well as having great contact with all the hams around the island.�

    You can read the entire MOU here[1].��

    [1] http://www.arrl.org/files/file/Public%20Service/ARES/MOU/MOU20Red20PR%202025.pdf

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