• Programmer Shocked That Someone Bought API Key

    From Ham Hijinks de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Sunday, February 02, 2025 04:56:09
    NCOUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA - A local internet application developer was recently surprised by an automatic deposit in his PayPal account.

    "I couldn't explain the $1.25. My wife started asking questions about where the money was coming from," said Payton Henning.

    "Ultimately, I linked it back to some amateur radio software I'd made in 2003. A ham had actually bought a license key for my API," he said.

    Henning doesn't have a ham radio license but knows a lot about hams.

    "These guys are so cheap, I'd just never seen it happen before. The payment included the guy's callsign so I looked him up and reached out to him via email. He thanked me for the message and said that he accidentally clicked "purchase" when viewing the page. He then asked if I wouldn't mind refunding the $1.25," Henning said.

    After the PayPal fee, Henning actually lost .15 cents in the deal.

    By K5PO[1], on the scene.

    [1] http://qrz.com/db/k5po

    � Synchronet � Whiskey Lover's Amateur Radio BBS
  • From Bob Worm@VERT/BEEBS2 to Ham Hijinks de WD1CKS on Sunday, February 02, 2025 16:59:18
    Re: Programmer Shocked That Someone Bought API Key
    By: Ham Hijinks de WD1CKS to QST on Sun Feb 02 2025 04:56:09

    "These guys are so cheap, I'd just never seen it happen before. The payment included the guy's callsign so I looked him up and reached out to him via email. He thanked me for the message and said that he accidentally clicked "purchase" when viewing the page. He then asked if I wouldn't mind refunding the $1.25," Henning said.

    Cut the guy some slack, he probably needed to put it towards another $4k radio.


    � Synchronet � My Brand-New BBS