• Nervous Ham Ready to Introduce Girlfriend to His Radios

    From Ham Hijinks de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Sunday, February 02, 2025 04:56:09
    NSHINNSTOWN, WISCONSIN - A local amateur radio operator says he's ready to introduce his girlfriend of eight months to his radios.

    "Ever since the day we met, we've spent almost every waking hour together," Mike Brown said of his girlfriend. "We're at that point in our relationship; it's time for her to meet my radios."

    He says he's confident his girlfriend will "really like" his radios. He plans to grill some burgers and have his girlfriend over to his shack this weekend.

    By K5KVN[1], on the scene

    [1] http://qrz.com/db/k5kvn

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