• ARRL Club Grant Program Awards a Half Million Dollars to Grow Ham Radio

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Friday, January 24, 2025 17:34:35

    Thirty-seven amateur radio clubs benefitted from $500,502 in grants through the ARRL Club Grant Program to implement projects that educate, recruit, train, and promote amateur radio in their communities. Funding for the grants comes from Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC)[1]. ��

    There were 110 applicants to the 2024 ARRL Club Grant Program, with applicants from all ARRL Divisions and 40 states, requesting nearly $1.6 million in support, in amounts ranging from as small as $1,000 to as large as the maximum of $25,000. Funds were distributed to the clubs in December of 2024. ��

    Some examples of the work that will be accomplished via these grants include upgrades to antennas within Florida's SARNet[2], a statewide linked UHF repeater network that is used extensively by emergency managers during hurricanes; enhancement of amateur radio-based telemetry systems onboard Illinois Space Society projects, and many programs targeting youth outreach. ��

    "These grants are possible because of the strong partnership between ARRL and ARDC," said ARRL Director of Development Kevin Beal, K8EAL, "and provide transformational impact for the next generation of amateur radio clubs."�

    [1] https://arrl.informz.net/z/cjUucD9taT0zMjM3MjMxJnA9MSZ1PTUyNTgxODI4NCZsaT0zNjY0NDMyMg/index.html
    [2] https://arrl.informz.net/z/cjUucD9taT0zMjM3MjMxJnA9MSZ1PTUyNTgxODI4NCZsaT0zNjY0NDMyNA/index.html

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