There are two great contests for amateur radio operators this weekend, January 18 - 20, 2025, and a bonus opportunity for a college club station to win a national championship.
Whether you're interested in contesting on the HF bands, the VHF bands of 50 MHz and above, or both, there's likely a contest to fit your needs this weekend. ARRL Contest Program Manager Paul Bourque, N1SFE, said there is time to enjoy both the SSB weekend of the North American QSO Party (NAQP) and the ARRL January VHF Contest.
"If you're an operator like me, who enjoys phone contests on the HF bands, and an avid VHF contester, this weekend offers an opportunity to enjoy both," said Bourque. "After the NAQP wraps up early Sunday morning, there's still plenty of time on Sunday afternoon and evening to join in the fun on the frequencies above 50 MHz when the VHF contesters are seeking contacts from new stations who hadn't been on the air earlier in the contest."
The North American QSO Party[1] (NAQP) SSB, begins at 1800 UTC on Saturday, January 18, and concludes at 0559 UTC on Sunday, January 19. The NAQP is a low-power only event, which makes for a lot more breathing room on the bands. The 12-hour format of the NAQP allows participants to do some great contesting, yet still have time for other activities during the weekend. Some operators choose to participate in the NAQP on Saturday, and then get on the VHF bands for the January VHF contest on Sunday. For complete rules, visit ncjweb.com/NAQP-Rules.pdf[2] (PDF), and logs are due no later than 7 days after the contest is over.
Colleges and universities in North America can also compete in the 2025 NA Collegiate Championship[3], which takes place as part of the NAQP. Stations will use their college club call sign and the station must be located on the college's physical campus. See the rules on the Society of Midwest Contesters website at www.w9smc.com/nacc/[4] including details for registering your college or university via the Contest Online Scoreboard and setting up logging software to report your scores.
The ARRL January VHF Contest[5] begins 1900 UTC Saturday, January 18 and ends 0359 UTC Monday, January 20. For amateurs in the US and Canada (and their possessions), the goal is to work as many amateur stations in as many different 2 degrees x 1 degree Maidenhead grid squares as possible using authorized frequencies above 50 MHz.
Stations in the rest of the world may only work stations in the US (and its possessions) and Canada. All legal modes are permitted. For complete contest rules, visit contests.arrl.org/ContestRules/JanJunSep-VHF-Rules.pdf[6] (PDF), and logs are due within 10 days after the event is over.
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