We are at the peak of Solar Cycle 25, and the 10-meter amateur radio band has been providing impressive propagation lately. Recent reports of "wide open" band conditions make this weekend's ARRL 10-Meter Contest a great opportunity to take advantage of the best conditions of a generation. "I've been leaving the mobile radio on 10-meters for the drive into work each day," said ARRL Regulatory and Radiosport Manager Bart Jahnke, W9JJ. "I've been working all around the world with a mobile antenna and no amplifier," he said.
ARRL 10-Meter Contest is this weekend starting on Saturday, December 14 at 0000 UTC (Friday evening in North America), and concluding on Sunday, December 15 at 2359 UTC. Stations may contact any other station, regardless of location, using CW and phone.
The 10-Meter contest is a great opportunity for Technician class licensees to get a taste of HF contesting using the CW and SSB modes. On 10-meters, Technicians have CW privileges from 28.0 to 28.3 MHz, and SSB phone privileges from 28.3 to 28.5 MHz. ARRL Contest Program Manager Paul Bourque, N1SFE, hopes Techs seize the chance. "At the peak of the solar cycle, 10-meters can offer opportunities to work some great DX," said Bourque.�
For complete contest rules, visit
Need an antenna for 10-meters? ARRL Dual-band Momobeam 6/10 Antenna[2] features a 10-meter Moxon (28 MHz) and 6-meter Yagi (50 MHz) in one innovative design. It's lightweight, mast-mountable, and includes extra hardware for fixed and portable use.�
� Synchronet � Whiskey Lover's Amateur Radio BBS