• $41,000+ Raised by Donors, YouTubers, for ARRL Teachers Institute

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Friday, December 06, 2024 19:38:43

    A YouTube telethon to raise money for the ARRL Teachers Institute on Wireless Technology[1] was a resounding success. More than $21,000 was contributed during the livestream, which unlocked another $20,000 that donors had set out as a challenge gift. ARRL Director of Development Kevin Beal, K8EAL, says that upped the ante. "It's quite clear that even with the generosity of the donors in attendance, the challenge gift really pushed everyone until the end to meet that goal." There were over 430 gifts made and the most frequent was $20.

    The event, hosted by YouTuber Josh Nass, KI6NAZ, on his popular Ham Radio Crash Course channel[2], drew thousands of views. On the stream, several teachers and students who have benefited from the TI shared their stories of success. "We were glad that teachers Everton Henriques and Drew Mortenson joined us on the stream. Two of Everton's students attended and were inspirational and impressive. They're the whole reason why we're doing this," said Beal.

    A face familiar to longtime ARRL members also paid a visit via video. Former ARRL President Kay Craigie, N3KN, shared her memories of the origins of the ARRL Teachers Institute on Wireless Technology, which she pioneered. "People have stepped up in just the most wonderful ways over the years. Large donations, small donations - whatever people are able to do - have made it possible to continue this program," she told Beal in a video call.

    Cragie attributed the program's success to its flexibility and how it can evolve to meet the changing needs of educators. ARRL Education and Learning Manager Steve Goodgame, K5ATA, hopes to pivot the program again for 2025. "We're taking it on the road. Historically, we've flown teachers into ARRL Headquarters (in Newington, Connecticut), but we want to go meet some of them where they are," said Goodgame.

    The program has lofty goals for expansion next year. In 2024, there were 7 cohorts - next year will have 16. "We're grateful to everyone who participated in the livestream, whether they watched it, shared it, or donated to it," said Goodgame. "They are enabling us to continue this growth."

    A replay of the live telethon can be seen at this link[3]. If you'd like to contribute to the future of ARRL Teachers Institutes on Wireless Technology, visit www.arrl.org/GiveToSTEM[4].�

    [1] http://www.arrl.org/ti
    [2] https://www.youtube.com/@HamRadioCrashCourse
    [3] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCo5ajQadRk
    [4] http://www.arrl.org/GiveToSTEM

    � Synchronet � Whiskey Lover's Amateur Radio BBS