• Hurricane Rafael - Storm Updates

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Friday, November 15, 2024 02:50:47

    Tuesday, November 5, 2024, 11:00 AM Eastern Update:

    The following information is from the Hurricane Watch Net:

    The Hurricane Watch Net will�be activated today,�Tuesday, as planned, with one minor update. After further review of the timing of the storm and the distance from land, we need to modify our plans. All will remain the same with the exception that we will now operate overnight

    Activation Plans:

    Tuesday, November 5, 2024

    ��������20 meters:�14.325 MHz (USB) at 2:00 PM EST (1900 UTC) until at least 12:00 AM EST (0500 UTC).

    ��������40 meters:�7.268 MHz (LSB) 7:00 PM EST (0000 UTC).�We will remain active on this frequency throughout the day and overnight for as long as propagation allows. If propagation allows us to operate all night, we will suspend operations at 7:30 AM EST Wednesday to allow the Waterway Net to conduct their daily Net.

    Wednesday, November 6, 2024

    ��������20 meters:�14.325 MHz (USB) at 8:00 AM EST (1300 UTC) until at least 10:00 PM EST (0300 UTC).

    ��������40 meters:�7.268 MHz (LSB) 7:00 PM EST (0000 UTC) until at least 10:00 PM EST (0300 UTC).

    Other Nets that will be in operation are as follows:

    ��������WX4NHC will be On-The-Air on the Hurricane Watch Net frequency 14.325 MHz most of the time and 7.268 MHz depending on propagation.

    ��������WX4NHC will be on VoIP Hurricane Net (IRLP node 9219 / EchoLink WX-TALK Conference node 7203).�http://www.voipwx.net/[1]

    WX4NHC will be monitoring WinLink and Online reports.�[email protected][2]�

    use //WL2K in email subject�

    As always, any change to this plan will be posted on our website, www.hwn.org[3], and our social media pages.

    To all official agencies such as Emergency Operations Centers, Red Cross officials, and Storm Shelters in the affected area, we are available to provide backup communications. We also collect and forward significant damage assessment data to government and non-government officials requesting such.

    We greatly appreciate the daily users and various nets who use 14.325.00 MHz and 7.268.00 MHz for allowing us a clear frequency. It certainly makes our job easier and I know those in the affected area appreciate it as well.


    The following information is from WX4NHC, the amateur radio station at the National Hurricane Center:�

    WX4NHC Amateur Radio Station at the National Hurricane Center - Announcement -Hurricane Rafael
    WX4NHC will be activated TODAY Tuesday November 5th at 5pm until about 11pm EST for Hurricane Rafael's forecast track affecting the Cayman Islands and then on Wednesday November 6th�from 11am to 9pm EST for western Cuba.

    WX4NHC will be On-The-Air on the�Hurricane Watch Net�frequency�14.325 MHz�most of the time and�7.268 MHz�depending on propagation. [http://www,HWN.org]http://www,HWN.org

    WX4NHC will be on�VoIP Hurricane Net��(IRLP node 9219 / EchoLink WX-TALK Conference node 7203).�http://www.voipwx.net/[4]

    WX4NHC�will be monitoring�WinLink�and Online reports.�[email protected][5]

    use //WL2K in email subject

    Please send or relay any�Surface Reports�from the affected area (weather data, flooding, damage) to the Hurricane Nets or using any of the available modes listed.�

    WX4NHC On-line Hurricane report Form

    Hurricane On-line Report Form (fiu.edu)[6]

    Please remember that, due to Federal Security measures:��

    NO VISITORS�will be allowed entry to NHC.�

    [1] http://www.voipwx.net/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR0lSKEcoxhON68btvRyfS4Jkx2lu9TgwIT4ENCrwZyp6_jGLi2IpAT4yhg_aem_pLWrcKt0Vi06zHFXbLHbfw
    [2] mailto:[email protected]
    [3] http://www.hwn.org/
    [4] http://www.voipwx.net/
    [5] mailto:[email protected]
    [6] https://w4ehw.fiu.edu/WX-form1.php

    � Synchronet � Whiskey Lover's Amateur Radio BBS