• YLISSB Celebrates 61 Years On the Air

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Friday, January 26, 2024 19:46:37

    February 8, 2024, marks the 61st anniversary of the YL System, now known as the YL International Single Side-band System (YLISSB)[1], founded by Vera Mayree Tallman, K4ICA (SK), in 1963. �

    Tallman received her first license in 1956 and later earned her General-class license. Though the system's name includes "YL," the amateur radio term for "young lady," membership is open to both women and men. YLISSB is a community of radio amateurs who provide support, service, and fellowship to one another and to the rest of the amateur radio community. YLISSB also encourages amateur radio skill development through both personal and system-wide support programs.

    The YLISSB operates on 14.332 MHz every day of the year. On February 8 - 11, from 1323Z to 1323Z, special event station K4ICA will operate on 14.240 - 14.340 MHz and 7.230 - 7.260 MHz to commemorate the system's 61st anniversary.

    To receive a QSL card, send a letter via self-addressed stamped envelope to John Ellis, W5PDW, at 26231 Huffsmith Conroe Rd., Magnolia, TX 77354.

    [1] https://ylsystem.org/

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