• Re: My message

    From Khronos@VERT/CWSHACK to Codenut on Thursday, June 22, 2023 13:34:00
    Re: Re: My message
    By: Codenut to Khronos on Wed Jun 21 2023 08:45:00

    Have you thought of running a packet BBS.

    I run one here and it is all on AX25 packet using the internet.

    950 messages.

    Access using a simple prompt.


    I have not considered this beore, but what would I need to get started?
    I don't hav a tnc to go with my radios.
    Radios I own are ts590s and ft817nd.

    � Synchronet � Cw Shack Bbs telnet kf4yey.com 2330
  • From Codenut@VERT/XBITBBS to Phigan on Thursday, June 22, 2023 15:07:00
    Phigan wrote to Codenut <=-

    Re: Re: My message
    By: Codenut to Khronos on Wed Jun 21 2023 08:45 am

    I run one here and it is all on AX25 packet using the internet.

    How does one connect to it from far away? Connect vy2xu via

    You would do it either with VHF RF 145.01 (you are too far away) or over the internet (cwnet.org) should work. Then you would sign in from a terminal.

    Then it's old time packet. 950 messages on the system.


    � Synchronet � TIRED of waiting 2 hours for a taco? GO TO TACOPRONTO.bbs.io

    ... 2 + 2 = 5 for extremely large values of 2.
    --- MultiMail/Win v0.52
    � Synchronet � Do it @ the X: Sync: X-BIT.ORG <-> Spitfire: X-BIT.ORG:2323
  • From Phigan@VERT/TACOPRON to Khronos on Thursday, June 22, 2023 13:30:00
    Re: Re: My message
    By: Khronos to Codenut on Thu Jun 22 2023 01:34 pm

    I have not considered this beore, but what would I need to get started?
    I don't hav a tnc to go with my radios.
    Radios I own are ts590s and ft817nd.

    What OS are you running on? Do you happen to have a Raspberry Pi or random other computer you can put Linux on sitting around doing nothing? You can connect your TS590S via USB and run Direwolf, making a virtual TNC, then 'kissattach' that as if it was a real one. And bam, ax25 packet.

    � Synchronet � TIRED of waiting 2 hours for a taco? GO TO TACOPRONTO.bbs.io