The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (WRC-23) continues through December 15, 2023, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE).
IARU's primary effort focused on Agenda Item 9.1 topic b to address amateur use of the 23-centimeter band and co-frequency use by several radionavigation satellite service (RNSS) systems in the 1240 - 1300 MHz band.
IARU's work that began 4 years ago with a preparatory study in the ITU Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R) to address this agenda item has finally come to a close. Our concerted engagement in the ITU-R working parties, study groups, and WRC preparatory meetings ensured that the amateur services were properly represented during the development of two published ITU-R reports: M.2513 and M.2532. An ITU-R Recommendation, M.2164, followed these, which formed the basis for the discussions at WRC-23.
During the WRC-23 deliberations, strong positions were expressed by all parties involved. The result is a well-supported compromise for a footnote in the Radio Regulations regarding amateur and amateur satellite service operation in the 1240 -1300 MHz range. The footnote reminds administrations and amateurs of the need to protect the primary RNSS from interference, and it provides guidance for administrations to allow both services to continue to operate in this portion of the spectrum.
Administrations are the bodies that govern amateur radio in their respective countries, such as the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in the United States.
The Conference Plenary compromise was formally adopted on December 8 and is not subject to further consideration during the final week of WRC-23. The IARU team continues its work on other WRC issues, including developing agendas for future conferences.
IARU President Tim Ellam, VE6SH, noted, "This is a very good result for the amateur services. The decision reached at WRC-23 on this agenda item makes no change to the table of allocations nor incorporates by reference M.2164 into the Radio Regulations. The addition of a footnote that provides guidance to administrations in the event of interference to the RNSS is a good regulatory outcome for amateurs and the primary users of this band."
The WRC also agreed to suppress Resolution 774, which closes the issue and satisfies the agenda item.
WRC-23 began on November 20[1]. The IARU team includes: ARRL Technical Relations Specialist John Silverling, WB3ERA; Paul Cloverdale, VE3ICV, for Radio Amateurs of Canada; Barry Lewis, G4SJH (IARU AI 9.1b Lead), Flavio Archangelo, PY2ZX, for Liga de Amadores Brasileiros de R�dio Emiss�o / IARU Region 2; Bernd Mischlewski, DF2ZC, for Deutscher�Amateur Radio�Club; IARU President Tim Ellam, VE6SH; Murray Niman, G6JYB, for the Radio Society of Great Britain; IARU Vice President Ole Garpestad, LA2RR; IARU Secretary Joel Harrison, W5ZN; Wahyudi Hasbi, YB1PR, for Organisasi Amatir Radio Indonesia; Peter Pokorny, VK2EMR, for the Wireless Institute of Australia; Dale Hughes, VK1DSH, for the Wireless Institute of Australia (SWG4B7 Chair), Roland Turner, 9V1RT, for Singapore�Amateur Radio�Transmitting Society (IARU), and Ken Yamamoto, JA1CJP, for the Japan Amateur Radio League.
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