• Anyone play with a keltec pmr30

    From w1cjf@VERT/DRTBRD to All on Saturday, November 25, 2023 19:35:24
    I have had mine for 6 months with the mcarbo upgrades..what a fun piece!


    � Synchronet � ThE Dirty Bird...straight out of massachusetts.
  • From Gamgee@VERT/PALANTIR to w1cjf on Saturday, November 25, 2023 20:16:00
    w1cjf wrote to All <=-

    I have had mine for 6 months with the mcarbo upgrades..what a fun

    I've had one for about a year and like it quite a bit. Very fun indeed.
    At first I was a little leery of the sturdiness, being so plastic-y, but
    that is no longer a concern. Quite a bit of pop, and hi-cap.

    ... The haves and have-nots come from the dos and the do-nots.
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    � Synchronet � Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Weatherman@VERT/TLCBBS to w1cjf on Sunday, November 26, 2023 03:15:00
    w1cjf wrote to All <=-

    I have had mine for 6 months with the mcarbo upgrades..what a fun


    = Synchronet = ThE Dirty Bird...straight out of massachusetts.

    Play with a KelTec what? I've got a Sub2000 in 9mm. Very fun, very nice. Would have preferred it in .40 but all I ever saw was 9mm.

    Have a Grendel P12 and a Grendel P30, both made by the George Kellgren company that immediately preceeded his forming of KelTec. The P12 is actually my backup carry, and on the rare instance that I wore it in an OWB holster it was amusing to have a gun store employee spot it and ask how I liked my P10. Simple enough mistake but I was surprised and impressed to note that he HAD recognized it as a Grendel, just be viewing the exposed portion of the grip.

    The P30 is quite fun to shoot but very finicky when it comes to ammo. I find it really like Armscor 40 grain. Seems to feed and eject pretty well, but like any .22 rimfire it gets pretty dirty pretty fast. I usually keep a cleaning brush in the shooting bag just to be able to scrape off the worst of the residue in a lengthy shooting session. The Grendels aren't the only ones that gum up quick, I do the same when shooting any of my .22 autoloaders, Colt, Ruger, Marlin, all the autoloaders do the same thing.

    Anyway, like I said, the only Kel-Tec I have is the Sub2000 and it's a nice little camp/hiking gun. The folding design makes it easy to stow, it's "accurate enough" and with a rail on the bottom you can mount a laser (I did) or a tactical light. I can easily see the Sub2000/light combo as an effective campsite security combination and the fact that it accepts Glock magazines means that the number of available rounds should NOT ever be a concern. A 9mm carbine with a fully stocked 30 round magazine is an effective way of protecting one and one's own.

    ... DalekDOS v(overflow): (I)Obey (V)ision impaired (E)xterminate
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.49
    � Synchronet � The Lost Chord BBS - Cheyenne, WY
  • From Weatherman@VERT/TLCBBS to w1cjf on Sunday, November 26, 2023 03:24:03
    Re: Anyone play with a keltec
    By: Weatherman to w1cjf on Sun Nov 26 2023 03:15 am

    w1cjf wrote to All <=-
    Play with a KelTec what? I've got a Sub2000 in 9mm. Very fun, very nice.

    Ahhh, the qwk package didn't include the entire post title. Seems you're talking about the PMR30. Heard it's fun. I have a P30, the Grendel predecessor to the PMR30. Enjoy it quite a bit. Fun little gun, but a little finicky when it comes to ammunition choice. Mine likes Armscor 40 grain, gives the action just what it needs to cycle reliably..

    � Synchronet � The Lost Chord BBS - Cheyenne, WY
  • From Gamgee@VERT/PALANTIR to Weatherman on Sunday, November 26, 2023 01:42:00
    Weatherman wrote to w1cjf <=-

    Ahhh, the qwk package didn't include the entire post title.
    Seems you're talking about the PMR30. Heard it's fun. I have a
    P30, the Grendel predecessor to the PMR30. Enjoy it quite a bit.
    Fun little gun, but a little finicky when it comes to ammunition
    choice. Mine likes Armscor 40 grain, gives the action just what
    it needs to cycle reliably..

    My PMR30 is quite happy with CCI Maxi-Mag 40 grain.

    ... As a matter of fact, it IS a banana in my pocket.
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    � Synchronet � Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From w1cjf@VERT/DRTBRD to Weatherman on Sunday, November 26, 2023 20:15:21
    Re: Anyone play with a keltec
    By: Weatherman to w1cjf on Sun Nov 26 2023 03:15 am

    w1cjf wrote to All <=-

    I have had mine for 6 months with the mcarbo upgrades..what a fun piece!


    = Synchronet = ThE Dirty Bird...straight out of massachusetts.

    Play with a KelTec what? I've got a Sub2000 in 9mm. Very fun, very nice. Would have preferred it in .40 but all I ever saw was 9mm.

    Have a Grendel P12 and a Grendel P30, both made by the George Kellgren comp that immediately preceeded his forming of KelTec. The P12 is actually my backup carry, and on the rare instance that I wore it in an OWB holster it w amusing to have a gun store employee spot it and ask how I liked my P10. Simple enough mistake but I was surprised and impressed to note that he HAD recognized it as a Grendel, just be viewing the exposed portion of the grip.

    The P30 is quite fun to shoot but very finicky when it comes to ammo. I fi it really like Armscor 40 grain. Seems to feed and eject pretty well, but l any .22 rimfire it gets pretty dirty pretty fast. I usually keep a cleaning brush in the shooting bag just to be able to scrape off the worst of the residue in a lengthy shooting session. The Grendels aren't the only ones th gum up quick, I do the same when shooting any of my .22 autoloaders, Colt, Ruger, Marlin, all the autoloaders do the same thing.

    Anyway, like I said, the only Kel-Tec I have is the Sub2000 and it's a nice little camp/hiking gun. The folding design makes it easy to stow, it's "accurate enough" and with a rail on the bottom you can mount a laser (I did or a tactical light. I can easily see the Sub2000/light combo as an effecti campsite security combination and the fact that it accepts Glock magazines means that the number of available rounds should NOT ever be a concern. A 9 carbine with a fully stocked 30 round magazine is an effective way of protecting one and one's own.

    ... DalekDOS v(overflow): (I)Obey (V)ision impaired (E)xterminate

    no doubt, I love this thing but it is the best idea wrong hahah the money i dumped into it for mcarbo upgrades was wild.... my next purchase is a glock g20 in 10mm.. the 22wmr is very dirty but spits some nice fireballs....

    � Synchronet � ThE Dirty Bird...straight out of massachusetts.
  • From w1cjf@VERT/DRTBRD to Weatherman on Sunday, November 26, 2023 20:19:55
    Re: Anyone play with a keltec
    By: Weatherman to w1cjf on Sun Nov 26 2023 03:24 am

    Re: Anyone play with a keltec
    By: Weatherman to w1cjf on Sun Nov 26 2023 03:15 am

    w1cjf wrote to All <=-
    Play with a KelTec what? I've got a Sub2000 in 9mm. Very fun, very nic

    Ahhh, the qwk package didn't include the entire post title. Seems you're talking about the PMR30. Heard it's fun. I have a P30, the Grendel predecessor to the PMR30. Enjoy it quite a bit. Fun little gun, but a litt finicky when it comes to ammunition choice. Mine likes Armscor 40 grain, gi the action just what it needs to cycle reliably..

    it is funn and very like the orginal hahah thats why i had to dump money into the mcarbo upgrades..i just bought a 10mm glock g20 so that will be the next fun item to test .


    � Synchronet � ThE Dirty Bird...straight out of massachusetts.
  • From Jimmy Anderson@VERT/FINALZON to w1cjf on Friday, January 19, 2024 21:43:00
    w1cjf wrote to All <=-

    I have had mine for 6 months with the mcarbo upgrades..what a fun

    My wife inherited one. I did buy a loader from Amazon - that helps...

    It is a fun little piece, and shooting it toward the end of the
    day REALLY really shows the blast.

    ... If this were an actual tagline, it would be funny.
    --- MultiMail/Mac v0.52
    � Synchronet � Final Zone BBS - final-zone.net