Re: Comedians
By: The Lizard Master to phigan on Wed Jun 05 2024 03:25 am
George Carlin is the GOAT.
Someone recently said that the Bill & Ted's movies were the best ones that
he'd been in, and I had to think about that for a bit. They may be right. I
don't remember any better movies that he was in!
I don't really think of him as an actor, but Dogma was a pretty good role for him.
Dogma is one of my favorite flicks. It's a shame the rights to it are owned by Harvey Weinstein.
Not the Weinstein company, Harvy himself owns that flick. Kevin Smith has tried to purchase them back from him, but Harvey wants to cling onto as much power as possible, and keeps saying "no"
That scumbag was offered $1 million, and he still said "no". The only reason Smith was willing to pay him, was he knew all the money would wind up going to his victims.
Affleck and Daemon both offered to pitch in to get that $1 million figure.
Carlin had a short-lived TV series in the mid 90's, "The George Carlin Show" on Fox. I believe it ran for a couple seasons before it was cancelled. Carlin mentioned in his autobiography that he was relieved when it was cancelled. I think there was some friction with one of the producers or something, I don't exactly recall. it's been a good 10 years or so since I read that book.
I do remember watching the show but I don't remember much from it. About the only bit I remember is when he cut off his ponytail. I think that was the first episode though.
I wonder if it's available to stream anywhere?
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