• VintagePi BBS Welcomes you!

    From Neoshock@VERT/VINTAGE to All on Friday, March 08, 2024 14:03:37
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    vintagepi.asuscomm.com (optional ports 64/128 for 40/80 col PETSCII)
    Home of the Vintage Pi Project
    Local Vintage Computer Talk msg boards as well as DoveNET
    Thousands of programs and software for vintage computing

    Hi All,
    I created this BBS as a home base for a raspberry pi image I created for myself. This image is set up in a way where each computer system has thier own user login, whith their own home dir and files. I also wanted be able to connect to the internet like it was back in the day via BBS's. The image has Syncterm installed for BBS surfing, as well as some of the emulaters will have terminal programs to log in BBS's directy in the emulator. The first version of the image is now available to download on VintagePi BBS. Right now the image includes all the Commodore computers, my next step is to add the Apple line of computers, followed by the Tandy line. I welcome you to visit my BBS, try the image, or even just participate in the message boards.

    About Vintage Pi
    Introducing the Vintage Pi Project a Raspberry Pi image designed to transport users into the nostalgic realm of vintage computers, recreating the authentic experience of bygone eras. Unlike the detached feel of running emulators on modern devices, Vintage Pi strives to bridge the gap, providing an environment that mirrors the genuine sensation of using historic computers. This project goes beyond the typical application on your computer, aiming to capture the essence of interacting with the actual hardware, rekindling the unique charm of computing from the past.

    � Synchronet � Vintage Pi BBS - vintagepi.asuscomm.com