• Re: Want to Annoy a Colle

    From Jason@DIGDIST/BATTLEST/FREEWAY to Khelair on Monday, March 02, 2015 01:20:00
    On 10/18/14 4:16 PM, Khelair wrote:
    Next time they leave their 'doze computer running for a bit, load up notepad and enter the following:

    Set oWMP = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7")
    Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection
    wscript.sleep 600000
    if colCDROMs.count >= 1 then
    for i = 0 to colCDROMs.count - 1
    for i = 0 to colCDROMs.count - 1
    End If
    wscript.sleep 120000

    Save as Whatever.vbs (Whatever can literally be whatever you like), and change
    the file type to 'All files' when saving. Double click the file to run it, or for a bunch of fun, add it to the StartUp folder to have it automatically run at each startup.

    It'll wait ten minutes, then open all CD/DVD trays every two minutes after, endlessly. ;) May be a real good way to have a colleague lose their mind for your amusement.

    From the heading down to the above paragraph has been reposted from iraffiruse
    on tumblr. My small addition at this point is that I'm not sure why there are two 'for/next' loops in there that seem to do the exact same thing; that may be
    a bug. I haven't worked with VBScript in a long time, and I don't have a Windows machine to test it on right now, so I can't tell for sure. Maybe it opens and then closes the tray...

    � Synchronet � Tinfoil Tetrahedron BBS telnet or ssh -p 2222 to tinfoil.synchro.net


    Thats good stuff....

    What I use to do to people in my office is take a screen shot of their
    desktop with all the icons on it, then remove the icons from the
    desktop, and then replace the background with the screen shot... Drives
    them crazy when they keep trying to double click on the icons and it
    doesn't do anything..

    They get so frustrated... It can be fun to watch when you do it to the
    right person...

    � Synchronet � The Hard Drive Cafe BBS is BACK! telnet://bbs.hdcbbs.com
  • From Khelair@DIGDIST/BATTLEST/FREEWAY to Jason on Monday, March 02, 2015 06:48:00
    Re: Re: Want to Annoy a Colleague? (running Windows)
    By: Jason to Khelair on Mon Mar 02 2015 01:20:51

    What I use to do to people in my office is take a screen shot of their desktop with all the icons on it, then remove the icons from the
    desktop, and then replace the background with the screen shot... Drives them crazy when they keep trying to double click on the icons and it doesn't do anything..

    They get so frustrated... It can be fun to watch when you do it to the right person...

    *cackle* This is one of the primary reasons I'm most interested in getting back into IT professionally. ;) Seriously, though, that's pretty damn good. Another one that I've used I can't even remember the keycode before, but it involved rotating the screen 90, 180, or 270 degrees from standard 'upright' display. That was always good for some laughs.
    Another one that I enjoyed, but I had the inside track because my Ukranian roommate gave me the heads up on how to read enough Cyrllic, was to install a Cyrillic version of Windows on my computer and wait for someone to ask to use it and then just wait 'n try to hold back the grin. ;)
    I really love the cdrom/dvd drive popping one, though. That's a classic. I wish I could take full credit for it. *grin*

    Borg Burgers: We do it our way; your way is irrelevant.

    � Synchronet � Tinfoil Tetrahedron BBS telnet://tinfoil.synchro.net