• Komodo IDE for JavaScript

    From Khelair@DIGDIST/BATTLEST/FREEWAY to All on Monday, May 11, 2015 07:02:00
    Well, after a bit of playing around with Eclipse (trying to get JSEclipse working actually failed; I didn't try very hard, but when loading a plug-in was so difficult on my setup I ended up just switching to the IDE that I already had downloaded and waiting), I decided to give KomodoIDE a more in-depth try than I had done before.
    As mentioned previously (though I think it was in the Windows message area), I was looking for a JavaScript IDE that might be able to map the pseudo-object oriented layout of the code. It turns out that KomodoIDE can do this, which I'm finding a big selling point; it had me fooled at first, with all of the side and bottom panes hidden. After I dug around in the interface a bit, though, I managed to get these shown, and then realized that, with another button toggled in order to show the code layout on the righthand pane, it does precisely what I've been looking for.
    The only thing that is holding me back from jumping at using this whole-hog right off the bat right now is the fact that it's shipped as a binary for Linux, and won't run on other *NIX without emulation. I know that OpenBSD will do emulation for Linux binaries, but I've not bothered to set that up yet on my system and I'm really not interested in doing it. I'm going to look and see if I can't find something that's (perhaps written in java) up to the task that'll work on OBSD... It's promising to see something that's mapping that code layout the way I'd like it to. It even properly detects the data objects in the dictionary/whatever that are used as methods and properties. Me likey. Anyway, if there's one that'll do it, there should be more, I'm thinking. So my search continues. ;)


    Borg Burgers: We do it our way; your way is irrelevant.
    � Synchronet � Tinfoil Tetrahedron BBS telnet://tinfoil.synchro.net
  • From Nightfox@DIGDIST/BATTLEST/FREEWAY to Khelair on Sunday, May 17, 2015 07:59:00
    Re: Komodo IDE for JavaScript
    By: Khelair to All on Mon May 11 2015 07:02:22

    Well, after a bit of playing around with Eclipse (trying to get JSEclipse working actually failed; I didn't try very hard, but when loading a plug-in was so difficult on my setup I ended up just switching to the IDE that I already had downloaded and waiting), I decided to give KomodoIDE a more in-depth try than I had done before.

    As mentioned previously (though I think it was in the Windows message area), I was looking for a JavaScript IDE that might be able to map the pseudo-object oriented layout of the code. It turns out that KomodoIDE can do this, which I'm finding a big selling point; it had me fooled at first, with all of the side and bottom panes hidden. After I dug around in the interface a bit, though, I managed to get these shown, and then realized that, with another button toggled in order to show the code layout on the righthand pane, it does precisely what I've been looking for.

    That sounds pretty cool. I might have to check it out at some point.


    � Synchronet � Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com