• wcQWK TIE Test

    From QWKTest@DIGDIST/BATTLEST/FREEWAY to Test on Sunday, June 22, 2014 04:33:00
    No Test Response Required
    wcQWK 7.0.1071 (tg:rc1) <-> MAP
  • From ROBERT WOLFE@DIGDIST/BATTLEST/FREEWAY to QWKTEST on Sunday, June 22, 2014 07:52:00

    @VIA: MAP
    @MSGID: <[email protected]>
    No Test Response Required
    wcQWK 7.0.1071 (tg:rc1) <-> MAP

    So, when are we other Wildcat! sysops going to get a chance to try out some of your stuff :)

    ...REHAB is for quitters.
    ---BapStats Module (bsDBASE v6.1 Build 1)
    � wcQWK 6.4 � RiverNet BBS * Memphis, TN * winserver.us
  • From QWKTest@DIGDIST/BATTLEST/FREEWAY to ROBERT WOLFE on Monday, June 23, 2014 10:46:00

    So, when are we other Wildcat! sysops going to get a chance to try out
    some of your stuff :)

    If you are referring to wcQWK then for Santronics Subscribers there will
    be an important update in the next major AUP Cycle.

    Due to the number of update requests and the associated testing
    requirements the current set of wcQWK updates I am working on
    (including the TIE task) will not be available in the short term.

    wcQWK 7.0.1071 (tg:rc1) <-> MAP
  • From ROBERT WOLFE@DIGDIST/BATTLEST/FREEWAY to QWKTEST on Monday, July 28, 2014 10:02:00
    @VIA: MAP
    @MSGID: <[email protected]>
    No Test Response Required
    wcQWK 7.0.1071 (tg:rc1) <-> MAP

    Aww, why not? :)

    � wcQWK 7.0 � Omicron Theta Test System * Memphis TN * winserver.us
    � wcQWK 6.4 � Omicron Theta BBS * Memphis, TN * winserver.us