• Re: Inter BBS chat module

    From Mickey@DIGDIST/BATTLEST/FREEWAY to Digital Man on Friday, March 06, 2015 17:03:00
    Re: Re: Inter BBS chat module
    By: Digital Man to Kc2ugv on Sat Sep 14 2013 10:46 pm

    I think the nightly checker checks Telnet (obviously), SMTP, and Finger. Tho
    the actual inter-BBS messaging uses different (UDP) protocols now. So I gues
    you'll need to have all of them up and listening. I should check that (it's
    my todo list to overhaul the BBS list module).

    digital man

    I still am at a loss with this one. Somedays I wish I weren't a completionist. I doubt many use the feature, but I can't get it to work on my bbs (oxfordmi) no matter what I do. Same 9 or 10 systems listed every time I look. All ports are open for TCP/UDP and I am on the list.

    SynchroNET 3.15
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