• Gary Kildall could have b

    From Lesser Keys@DIGDIST/BATTLEST/FREEWAY to Nightfox on Wednesday, April 15, 2015 14:17:00
    Re: Gary Kildall could have been in Bill Gates' place today
    By: Nightfox to All on Sun Mar 29 2015 09:51 am

    As we all know, Microsoft was the company that made the deal to license
    an operating system to IBM, and the rest is history. But before IBM contacted Microsoft, IBM first went to DRI for an operating system but failed to make a deal because DRI's CEO, Gary Kildall, was absent that day: http://bit.ly/1IHX4xc

    Wow, I would hate to be Gary Kildall, at that time! Os2 is still in development, not to be off subject. I thought os/2 was beating out windows back in the day. In my opinion, it was better.
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    � Synchronet � Solomon's Temple telnet://solomonstemplebbs.com, Home to Starr-Net
  • From Nightfox@DIGDIST/BATTLEST/FREEWAY to Lesser Keys on Wednesday, April 15, 2015 11:56:00
    Re: Gary Kildall could have been in Bill Gates' place today
    By: Lesser Keys to Nightfox on Wed Apr 15 2015 14:17:43

    Os2 is still in
    development, not to be off subject.

    I believe it's in development as eComStation since IBM sold OS/2 to another company.

    I thought os/2 was beating out windows
    back in the day. In my opinion, it was better.

    I thought OS/2 was better too. However, Windows was marketed and distributed better than OS/2 was. It seems to go that way for many products - Marketing seems to be more of a factor in getting products to sell than the actual quality of the product itself.


    � Synchronet � Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com