• encrypted data loss (was

    From Khelair@DIGDIST/BATTLEST/FREEWAY to Mercyful Fate on Wednesday, July 30, 2014 10:39:00
    Re: Cryptography class
    By: Mercyful Fate to Nightfox on Sun Mar 23 2014 20:30:10

    I've never used drive encryption again..
    Ya i feel the same, thats something i sure as heck don't want to go through again. I blame myself for not backing up stuff before hands but i lost of lot of good coding assignments i did in school which were great references for stuff. I'm still pissed when i think about it now. i have some stuff backed up but i know i missed a lot of things in my advances data structure classes with path find and stuff.. grrrr..

    I've lost a _ton_ of data, and large chunks of my life's record, because of it, but I still use it, every time. I guess I'm just a firm believer in making the NSA's job as hard as I can. Even when they're gonna get it, anyway, the more people that are relying on encryption on a regular basis, making it part of their lives, are making it that much tougher for the NSA to carry out its non-constitutionally sanctioned mission, as opposed to its 'legitimate' operations.
    BTW: If anybody is still interested in encryption courses, I'm _just_ signing up again today for this course: https://www.coursera.org/course/crypto, which is starting again on September 8th. I've been most of the way through the course over the past year, but repeated instability in life situations has made it impossible for me to complete. I thought maybe some other people here would be interested in truly understanding the underlying, fundamental algorithms and mechanics.

    "It is no measure of good health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." -- Jiddu Krishnamurti

    � Synchronet � Tinfoil Tetrahedron BBS telnet or ssh -p 2222 to tinfoil.synchro.net
  • From Nightfox@DIGDIST/BATTLEST/FREEWAY to Khelair on Saturday, August 02, 2014 22:02:00
    Re: encrypted data loss (was Re: Encryption course)
    By: Khelair to Mercyful Fate on Wed Jul 30 2014 10:39:24

    of it, but I still use it, every time. I guess I'm just a firm believer in making the NSA's job as hard as I can. Even when they're gonna get
    it, anyway, the more people that are relying on encryption on a regular basis, making it part of their lives, are making it that much tougher
    for the NSA to carry out its non-constitutionally sanctioned mission, as opposed to its 'legitimate' operations.

    I've sometimes thought that in the BBS community, sysops should probably enable SSH, and users should probably opt to use SSH over telnet/RLogin since it's encrypted. I've mentioned that once on Dove-Net, but it seemed that the general opinion was that most poeple don't really care much about security for BBS sessions. I've noticed that SSH makes the session a bit slower, but it's nothing major.


    � Synchronet � Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com