• Howdy! :)

    From Jason@DIGDIST/BATTLEST/FREEWAY to All on Friday, November 15, 2013 19:49:00
    Just wanted to introduce myself to this group.

    I've been a PHP programmer for about 8 years, and I absolutely love the language. Along with PHP I have also done quite a few other languages, but PHP is one that I absolutely love!

    I'd be happy to answer any questions here if anyone has a few, or I would simply love to chat about PHP accomplishments.

    Looking forward to talking with all of you!



    class Welcome
    public function Hello($user)
    echo("Hello " . $user);

    $me = new Welcome()

    Have fun!


    � Synchronet � The Hard Drive Cafe BBS is BACK! telnet://bbs.hdcbbs.com
  • From Nightfox@DIGDIST/BATTLEST/FREEWAY to Jason on Sunday, November 17, 2013 07:43:00
    Re: Howdy! :)
    By: Jason to All on Fri Nov 15 2013 20:49:17

    I've been a PHP programmer for about 8 years, and I absolutely love the language. Along with PHP I have also done quite a few other languages,
    but PHP is one that I absolutely love!

    Welcome to DeveloperNet. :) It's good to see you here, and particularly another developer who has used PHP. I like PHP, but I also know some people who say they hate it. :P I used to use PHP quite a bit at one of my former jobs, but I haven't used it in a few years. I just started to dabble in object-oriented PHP in 2009 (I think object-oriented features had just recently been introducted to PHP at that time), but I haven't done much with PHP since then.


    � Synchronet � Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com